Many of the schools offer beginner courses, some are more survival orientated than others and some are more spiritual in their approach than others, if youre interested in those approaches then its best to ask for more info on the forum, on those specifics. If youre after straight forward bushcraft then there are quite a few schools that do that and do it very well.
Have a look through the list in the 200 degrees section, find those schools closest to you and give them a call, they will bend over backwards to help you, Ive never (personally) come across a school that wouldnt treat you well and give you all the info you need to make an educated decision on the courses and if they suit you or not.
I would also say that if you need to travel to find what you want then do so, it will be well worth the extra cost and time, so, dont rule any schools out because of their location, pick where you want to go because its right for you as an individual. Talk to them and youll be sorted in no time