some people associate having lots of knives with an undesirable personality trait, the reality of it is that a Knife is a tool and the primary tool for our craft.
if you do any hobby or job which requires a particular set of tools, over time you will invariably amass a number of them as your preferences change or you discover a version which accomplishes a particular task better.
on the web I am sure there is a carpentry forum where, right now they are discussing the number of different chisels they own, and in all probability someone has just asked "which chisel is best?" which will evoke a thread just like the one we have here.
however this is an unanswerable question, the only possible but unfortunately unhelpful answer is "which ever is best for you"
the only way you will know which is best of you is to buy a cheap knife which you think will suit you, try it and learn from it, so that you can make a more informed choice when you by your next.
in time you will own a knife which you feel is perfect for you, and probably own a small collection of semi redundant knives as reminders of the learning curve which led you to you current choice of tool. You will also feel a strong desire to inform others of 'only one true bushcraft tool' which you have discovered when someone next asks the question "which is best"
but if you can restrain yourself and say "which ever is best for you" whilst offering some flexible guidelines on what features they might consider to looking for, you will be doing them a far greater service.