Hello All!!
I am looking for suggestions for proven material that resists abrading and breaking when being used with the bow drill. When I am teaching classes to light bowdrill fires, I find that the average material will heat up and often break before a student with poor technique can achieve success. Any ideas for cheap cordage material that works well?
I have had great success with chain saw starter cord. the problem is, it's a little pricey. The advantage is it saves me time as I don't have to constantly replace bow cords. In fact, I have never had a bow string made of chainsaw cord wear out, break, or even stretch that much, even after enduring the efforts of dozens of students.
I am looking for suggestions for proven material that resists abrading and breaking when being used with the bow drill. When I am teaching classes to light bowdrill fires, I find that the average material will heat up and often break before a student with poor technique can achieve success. Any ideas for cheap cordage material that works well?
I have had great success with chain saw starter cord. the problem is, it's a little pricey. The advantage is it saves me time as I don't have to constantly replace bow cords. In fact, I have never had a bow string made of chainsaw cord wear out, break, or even stretch that much, even after enduring the efforts of dozens of students.