bear grylls's snake :eek:


Feb 3, 2009
I take BG with a grain of salt. I dont consider his show to be about bushcraft and not really survival for that matter eaither as most of the time he shows things that should normal people attempt would just hurt them. I think its just about entertainment. But hey if it inspire any kids or adults out there to discover the real thing then the show has had a positive impact.

Anyway. I went for my survival training in thailand while in the US Army. We had ate loads of snakes while there, and I was tought that there are very few snakes whos venom will effect you if you injest it. In order for the venom to do its work you have to have it enter your blood stream. I am sure its true as a few of the thai soldiers drank some venom to demonstrate. Personally it freaked me out but after amonth or so i got used to it. One of the nasty things they would do is after removing the head they would drain the snakes blood into a big jar of clear booze and we would all drink cobra blood.

He' s left the building

I was tought that there are very few snakes whos venom will effect you if you injest it. In order for the venom to do its work you have to have it enter your blood stream. I am sure its true as a few of the thai soldiers drank some venom to demonstrate.

Depends on the toxin, haemotoxins need to be in the bloodstream (or lymph), however other toxins can cause tissue damage and you deffo would not want that on your mucous membranes or in your gastrointestinal tract!

given the choice between possible survival drinking my own urine or suicide i think i'd choose the slim chance at survival myself tbh.

Mate, if you're in a situation where you are that dehydrated, you would not be producing urine, you would have stopped producing urine a long time before and the build-up of toxins would already have affected the bodies systems, particularly the kidneys.

Bear is a victim of the media types who want their TV stars to eat live creatures on camera for the shock factor. Hopefully this is a passing phase and they'll eventually stop churning out this rubbish in the name of entertainment and show us some real survival skills.


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