Bear Grylls- TV programme

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Ive seen a couple of this guys programmes on sky (it was a while ago), survivorman now he does seem to know what hes doing.
No camera crew, does his own filming, its seems to be the same kind of thing without all the amateur dramatics, certainly none of the sillyness "Bear" got up to.

My two pen'th worth

Bear Spent 3 years in 21 SAS until he damaged his back in a parachute accident. So within those three years he would have done a fair old bit of Survival training combined with Escape & Evasion. as many of you lot will know, he's also done a bit of Climbing around the world, so he is very well travelld.

Having watched a few of his Survivor man clips on YOUTUBE, some of his ways are a bit haphazard, but that is just another persons way of doing things, he knows his limits. Seeing a clip of someone spewing up makes the point more valid about boiling water, rather than someone sedatly saying to boil water when not sure if it's safe to drink, even if it is a fast moving stream with stuff living in it!

It don't matter about some of his antics he will get up too in the comming shows, and he will !"when he gets chased by a Bear" you will learn something from it, none of us know it all !

I used to like watching the Bush Tucker man, he had a different way of doing things, so did my old favourite Lofty Wiseman.

You sound like a bunch of policeman watching the bill or doctors watching holby city. Bear grylls (is that his real name or stage name?) is just trying to emulate what the vast majority of people in a survival situation will face, very little equipment and knowledge in unknown environments, his programs are very 'mtv' style but for me i would much rather watch them instead of any soap (or maybe your itching for big brother top return!)
As for survivorman, i enjoy his shows as well although the first one i watched was survival at sea, on his own in a life boat. But the first sign of a storm and he was straight back on his crew's boat,. :lmao:
litefoot said:
my wife got fed up of me tut tuting all the way through,he`s getting paid to do it so good luck to him.i bet we all watch next week though!
Bet we don't!
Well folks my buddy was a pathfinder and he (along with a few others) pioneered canopy jumping in Venezuala in the UK forces. He told me that they had to stop doing it in the mid 70's as they were losing too many folk while doing it. It had a crazy injury rate of something like 25% with broken legs n ankles!
Anyway regardless of Bears antics, it really does take a guy with bottle to do what he is doing like canopy jumping. We are all so judgmental yet we should all be pragmatic enough to know he is making entertainment for the masses (for money) and good luck to him. I'm entertained, I would not have the bottle to do a lot of the stuff he does. It entertained me last night after a shift at work. And hey if we learn by it what the heck thats a bonus!
Biddlesby said:
But agree with Outdoorsman. It's entertaining, and loosely bushcrafty. Of course, he is taking stupid risks in the name of television, and I don't buy this whole "I have no idea where I am and only have clothes, a knife and waterbottle"; but some of his advice seems sound, and for the little gems its worth watching in my opinion.

Don't think much of his bow drill technique though!

I found it entertaining and there are some imforative bits but I don't think he's actualy taking all the risks that the end program is presenting him as doing.

He may have actually done what is claimed but what we are seeing is a reconstruction of them, in which the continuity editor doesn't deserve to survive the first episode.

eg Bear jumps out of a helicopter, with a few days stuble, spends a few nights treking through it and 2/3 days later we see him makng a raft looking distinctly clean shaven.

Not taking it as seriously as the way it's being promoted and it suddenly becomes more worthy of watching, strange phenomena that ;)
lol, yes the wonders of TV. Strange too how dirty his shirt had become in getting to the ground when all he did was abseil down a rope. I don't think that it is a serious attempt to show how someone who was just stranded would manage, after all clearly without his knowledge of plants things would have been very different. So for pure entertainment value, which was how I took it, it was fine.
I too watched this the start of it he never had a mug, just a 58 pattern water bottle, then strangeley a silver painted plastic 58 pattern mug was used to boil water, very impressed with how the plastic didn't melt....and it was definately not a crusader mug, halfway through you could see where the silver paint had come off....anyone else notice this?
I will watch it if only to pick holes in his strange approach to survival and his "different" methods. It could be used by us as a "Spot the mistake" training programme, and will bring awareness to the wrong way of doing things. It will highlight the correct ways and we could all learn from his mistakes.

God alone knows what Ray thought of it, because as we all know Ray is God and that's why God knows!!! :D
hiya tree jumping was tried in Malaya back in the 50's by the SAS, too many broken backs, legs and arms so it got knocked on the head back then. Very suprised to see it got brought back in for a while !

w00dsmoke said:
Well folks my buddy was a pathfinder and he (along with a few others) pioneered canopy jumping in Venezuala in the UK forces. He told me that they had to stop doing it in the mid 70's as they were losing too many folk while doing it. It had a crazy injury rate of something like 25% with broken legs n ankles!
Anyway regardless of Bears antics, it really does take a guy with bottle to do what he is doing like canopy jumping. We are all so judgmental yet we should all be pragmatic enough to know he is making entertainment for the masses (for money) and good luck to him. I'm entertained, I would not have the bottle to do a lot of the stuff he does. It entertained me last night after a shift at work. And hey if we learn by it what the heck thats a bonus!
......... I know it's easy to criticise from the comfort of an armchair and I appreciate that it's TV and has to appeal to "The Masses," but I have to say that I thought the programe was pants!

"How not to do it," would be a better title!

Even allowing for the fact that he must've had some idea how far he was from the coast from his flight in, his recklessness shocked me! If it was wartime and he had an enemy patrol chasing him, I could see some logic to his headlong dash through the jungle, but it wasn't and he had no need to rush.

Too many times he could've injured himslf badly - even the minor cuts and grazes he sustained would've turned into tropical ulcers after another couple of days in the bush. Much better to take it steady, conserve your energy and try to avoid getting wounded.

As for sliding down the muddy slopes at breakneck speed, why not cut a stout stick and use it to control your descent?

Fair play to him for what he's done in the past, but I wouldn't want him in my group / patrol if he really crashes about that way!

I was looking forward to this series, but was disapointed by the headlong rush into activities (as mentioned above). My oldest boy (9yo) spotted the fire drill technique, and the family winced as he used the rock on his knife, I didnt understand that bit as I was impressed by the shelter building and battening the knife to cut down a small tree.. I did like his ID of the trees and using the saps.. I'll keep watching I guess...
You don't have to wait till next week for the rest of this series, it's already available on YOU tube -

If the link above doesn't work, search for Bear Grylls or 'Man Vs Wild'. as this is the same series just with a new title for the Americans.

Sums it up for me really 'Man vs wild' - all bushcrafters even inexperienced ones like me know the idea is to survive in harmony with the wild not fight it - nature always wins.

I enjoyed the series but I work as a filmmaker and can see the fakery - I found out bear takes a crew of two filmakers with him who have acess to full food rations and helicopters so Bears life is never in peril, theres always an escape route which is why he can afford to throw himself down water falls and batton his precious knife with a rock.
Although I quite enjoyed it and there are some bits of usefull knowledge within - I have much more respect for someone like benedict allen who does this stuff for real with no camera crew.

Best wishes to all
You don't have to wait till next week for the rest of this series, it's already available on YOU tube -

If the link above doesn't work, search for Bear Grylls or 'Man Vs Wild'. as this is the same series just with a new title for the Americans.

Sums it up for me really 'Man vs wild' - all bushcrafters even inexperienced ones like me know the idea is to survive in harmony with the wild not fight it - nature always wins.

I enjoyed the series but I work as a filmmaker and can see the fakery - I found out bear takes a crew of two filmakers with him who have acess to full food rations and helicopters so Bears life is never in peril, theres always an escape route which is why he can afford to throw himself down water falls and batton his precious knife with a rock.
Although I quite enjoyed it and there are some bits of usefull knowledge within - I have much more respect for someone like benedict allen who does this stuff for real with no camera crew.

Best wishes to all
having said the above I've just watched him eat a trout raw and eat maggots scooped from a rotting carcass, the guy is for real - shame about the style of the program - the Alps episode is the best.



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