There seems to be quite a bandwagon rolling here, my po-faced friends! I think you lot are kinda missing the point. Bear is not doing a programme on Bushcraft, and if that's the way you watch it you will be disappointed. This is survival, by hook or by crook, revved up to be entertaining for the viewer. I can't believe how some of you are slagging him off for having a camera crew! Does anyone think that Ray Mears is wandering around on his own with a handycam?
This guy obviously knows his stuff and has loads of bottle. He has crossed the Atlantic in a rubber dinghy and climbed Everest for Pete's sake! He really does all the stuff in the programmes, and gets out of there alive, whilst giving us something entertaining to watch, yet people on this forum are picking holes in his bowdrill technique. Bottom line is, he is out in the jungle with virtually nothing, and manages to light a fire in the pouring rain with his so called lousy skills. Doing things in your local wood on a Saturday afternoon before nipping down to the local for a pint is not quite the same thing!
Give the guy a break. He's brilliant at what he does, and he's not trying to be Ray Mears. I really enjoyed it - bring on the next episode!