Bear Grylls- TV programme

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Watched an episode the other night - desert island survival. The only reason I could manage sitting through it was because I was sat sketching out some knife designs at the same time!

The thing that got me was the contradictions.
Example: "When climbing up a tree, you must keep the balls of your feet and toes firmly on the trunk." He didn't. Also when on the raft: Narrated "The biggest problem is the sun" then a minute later, said to the camera, " the biggest problem is the sea spray."

The over exaggaration is a bit annoying. Ooh, ooh, a banana trunk has washed to the shore - must run like a mad man to get it despite the fact we all know it was planted there.
Ooh, I made something - awesome!!! It was like he was surprised. Almost like he hadn't done it before......

I'm such a cynical grumpy git! :D
As I mentioned in the other thread--for those of you who would like to watch the other shows, has all 8 shows of the first season on their site. I would link you to the pages, but work has YouTube blocked. Just go to their site and type man vs wild (the American title of the show) into the Search box at the top of the page.
I suspect we can guage the answer by reading this thread. I think a "do you like / hate Bear" would polarise us more and not really add much to the site tbh. We've all fought our corner and it hasn't got (too) heated so I suggest we leave it there - I suspect those of us with an opinion have already voiced it :o
I love these more controversial threads. If I were to base my opinion of the man on this TV series it would not be a good one. Lucky for him he has done some fantastic things in the past that have already shown his better qualities. :lmao:

He must be laughing all the way to the bank- nice work. I would do the same too.
Fact is, I dont care. I watched it for 20 mins before deciding it wasnt worth the time. You can clearly see that some stuff is life saving skill and some is for the punters. :lmao:

I think the last straw was when he went spear fishing. He caught nothing, as predicted by me, the armchair survival expert. He then uses the plant to catch the fish in rock pools. Why didnt he do that in the first place? Cos its telly. I am sure he is fully aware that if he did that in the first place he would have had more than a whitebait starter for his dinner. :lmao:

I do wonder though, if they had used a wide angle lense, would they have got the four star hotel further down the beach in the shot as well? :lmao:

He is a nob head in the programme and your all nob heads for watching it. :lmao:
Alchemist said:
He is a nob head in the programme and your all nob heads for watching it. :lmao:

I suppose you think this comment is hilarious, well I don't think anyone else would appreciate it!
Why don't you keep your opinions of others to yourself!
Alchemist said:
I think the last straw was when he went spear fishing. He caught nothing, as predicted by me, the armchair survival expert. He then uses the plant to catch the fish in rock pools. Why didnt he do that in the first place? Cos its telly. I am sure he is fully aware that if he did that in the first place he would have had more than a whitebait starter for his dinner.

I hardly think you can critise him without having experienced such things yourself. That is what you do in survival - try something with persistance until you realise it isn't working, then change tactics until you suceed. This is how we learn. On the interview thingy he doesn't pretend to be a survival expert, doing a 'how to' program, he is learning.
As i have said its TV..... i like to watch things simila to my interest as i am sure guys do,,, but remember its ONLY TV. Dont get upset if its not exactly what you want. Its just a TV program and its better than watching Corrie :lmao:
Well i'm one of the aforementioned nob heads watching Bear Grylls. I think the tv programme is ok but thats exactly what it is a tv programme, which i for one am not going to get stressed over. So far through the series i don't believe Bear has demonstrated anything that is too far away from the methods some of us would use in a survival situation. Lets be honest i'm sure we would sit here and criticise any programme on the subject in some way.

Chill out people! :240:

All the best....Paul
What annoys me the most is that at the start of the show he says "I will show you the techniques you need to survive" and then does a load of really stupid things.
This threads great!!! And Martyn's observation of the likeness between Austin 'look at my Matrix shots' Stevens and Bear is spot on. The knowledge that these two have is completely undermined by the deluge of fakery and over acting 'look at me' type stuff that prevail throughout. The so called maggots on the carcass were mealworms, which is quite a feat, finding them on a alpine slope eating meat :banghead:

Grylls and Austin seems to be trying to fill Steve Irwins shoes by making themselves seem larger than life with nice shots, dramatic angles, camera tricks and staged encounters, rather than focussing on enthusiasm, character and reality. Something Steve Irwin had in spades.

They are indeed entertaining and I watch both. But they really annoy me with the way the ham up the action and try to pull the wool over our eyes. At least Grylls seems like a decent and down to earth bloke, Austin Stevens comes over as a self obsessed showman, with no respect for the individual animals he man handles for his own ends. Grrrrrrrrr.
Well, I think the blokes a first class Walter . Whoever trained him either didnt do a very good job or perhaps, and I think this may be nearer the truth; he's gone the way of many a talentless Rupert before him and is creating controversy and interest by demonstrating excentric (not sure thats splet ryt) behaviour using the media.

This then leads to this type of discussion, which in turn leads to more people watching the show to see what everyone's up in arms about. ultimately; some silly bugger might buy a car or toilet roll's or a chocolate bar having seen an advert for aforesaid item while trying to figure out what the hell this blokes on!.
The very fact that his series and antics have spawned this debate shows that there is interest no matter which side of the fence you live and work on, bushcraft and survival, even the honourable Mr R. Mears says a little knowledge goes a long way, and if Mr Bear has brought a little knowledge and interest into our world then that can only be a good thing. How many urbanites, young dis-affected kids from the inner city may now have a fledgling interest in surviving, exploring or whatever in the wild, and it can only be good for mankind if even 1 or 2 take up the challenge of living a little less 21st century. Sit back, have a laugh even mock but it furthers all of our interests and ambitions really.

Just watched the Sierra Nevada ep on discovery,

Taming wild horses for transport - surely not.

ALso when he built his wikiup he suggested that his door was alligned south west to catch the morning sun, however in the night time shot he was sat in front of his door ( presumably facing south west ) and looking at the pole star polaris ? - how ?
Definitely "Made for TV" - ie highly dramatised with everything seeming urgent.

Really nice guy though from interviews I've seen/heard and like those who have posted before me, it's generated debate/interest in an area which we hold dear - and surely it's a good thing that we can spot what we would do differently in his situation.

Remember though that just because something BG does is different, doesn't automatically make it wrong - and it is definitely better than watching Corrie! ROFLMAO!

Dr O


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