Bear Gryll's Praise


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
could have started a wild one here

IMO he does have his place, when you look at what he does which is pure survival with total minimal kit, you have to hand it to him he does ok, Ray is very good and has alot of info but does take alot of kit, food and bits with him, everywhere he goes........

whey you compair the 2 together would Ray do what Bear does (ie free fall, minimal kit, no food).

i dont want to start a debate, or set anyone off ranting this just my opinion, they both have a place......




Sep 24, 2010
Theres really no need for the cheap shots here. I thought we were supposed to be adults!

The guy has passed on skills to a young teenager that helped him save himself, and in my book that should be praised.



Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
At least the kid did'nt go searching for elephant dung to drink from or waterfalls to climb down so it can't be all bad. If nothing else at least it was'nt a bad bit of info for the kid, following ski tracks will eventually lead downhill to somewhere.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Yes that's fair about the ski tracks,
WELL DONE Mr Grylls,:35:
you actually managed to get something useful, across to this bairn, good on you.


As far as being adults goes well if this isn't worth a belly laugh or two:
I don't really know what is:D

say's it all for me, though there are plenty of other examples of this man's talent available



P.S.: I won't be knocking the lad any more now, thank you.
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Nov 28, 2004
What we discuss on here (most of the time anyway) is BUSHCRAFT, so that fits in with what we see Ray doing, what BG serves up (on a sensationalist platter) is SURVIVAL. Anyone will tell you that survival is 90% about deciding that you are going to survive, most of that is based on confidence and if watching BG's antics on TV gave this teenager the confidence to keep his head and come with a plan (something tells me that ANY plan is better then none) then it's a good thing in the long run.

Over the last few years I have heard of two kids (including this one) who have referred to BG after they have been found, one family outing who said that they followed Ray's advice to get out of a tropical forest and one death in Canada that was because someone was trying to copy Les Stroud. Any info that's out there can help folk in need if they keep their head and think, but if they start getting all 'Rambo' then they will come a cropper. Perhaps the credit for the rescues really goes to the youngsters who had enough intelligence to think their way out of a bad scenario using a 'skill' that they had picked up from watching TV rather than just panicked and made things worse.

Just my 2p worth


Full Member
Oct 15, 2010
yes Bear Grylls is good at pure survival when the S**t hits the fan and you got to get out and find your way back to civilization. Ray Mears is not about survival but rather teaching bushcraft skills so that you can live from the land if you had to for a prolonged perioud of time, and even substitute kit/food you take with you with what you find in the wild. to me they are two very diffrent things and their for can not be compaired.

Ryan Woods

May 20, 2005
Where my bergan is
Yes that's fair about the ski tracks,
WELL DONE Mr Grylls,:35:
you actually managed to get something useful, across to this bairn, good on you.


As far as being adults goes well if this isn't worth a belly laugh or two:

I don't really know what is:D

say's it all for me, though there are plenty of other examples of this man's talent available



P.S.: I won't be knocking the lad any more now, thank you.

Class.......!! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Everything Mac

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 30, 2009
here we go again.

Well done on the lad. Though I dare say he suffered from a mysterious and rare aliment these days once known as "Common Sense".



Full Member
Nov 12, 2005
here we go again.

Well done on the lad. Though I dare say he suffered from a mysterious and rare aliment these days once known as "Common Sense".

Not really, as after he'd spent the nessessary time and effort to built a snow shelter out of the wind, he up and walked off in the night. Not really the brightest thing to do...

persistent king

May 23, 2010
could have started a wild one here

IMO he does have his place, when you look at what he does which is pure survival with total minimal kit, you have to hand it to him he does ok, Ray is very good and has alot of info but does take alot of kit, food and bits with him, everywhere he goes........

whey you compair the 2 together would Ray do what Bear does (ie free fall, minimal kit, no food).

i dont want to start a debate, or set anyone off ranting this just my opinion, they both have a place......



well said chris i agree


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
I heard Mr Grylls on the radio the other day, which was my first encounter with him. Initial impressions were that he didn't quite 'do it' for me - I dunno, I didn't identify with some of what he was saying. I nearly turned the interview off at one point.

But... in fairness to the guy, he repeatedly praised the lad concerned in the story and played down any suggestion the he (Bear Grylls) should get any credit for the lad's survival. Even at the end of the interview, when he could have just said "thanks" and left, he yet again made a point of saying how well the lad had done. I thought his modesty reflected well on him.

He also talked up the Scouts, and the work they do too.

Fair play to the guy.


Mar 2, 2009
Frome, Somerset, UK
yes Bear Grylls is good at pure survival when the S**t hits the fan and you got to get out and find your way back to civilization. Ray Mears is not about survival but rather teaching bushcraft skills so that you can live from the land if you had to for a prolonged perioud of time, and even substitute kit/food you take with you with what you find in the wild. to me they are two very diffrent things and their for can not be compaired.

I like many people was very disappointed when I first found out that Bears' programmes where theatrical staged, and Bear went way down in my estimations but in reality, it is only a TV show. It would be the TV company that would dictate the format of the show. I have no doubt that Bear has all the skills to do it all for real if he had to, he was in the SAS (and I don't think it's any different in the TA).

Like Karl says, Bear and Ray offer "two very diffrent things and their for can not be compared"


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