harry, why didn't you ask when you were in a workshop surrounded by odd lumps and anvils!?
Anvil - any lump of steel that is bigger than your hammer and can be secured to a log. best case is a 'proper' anvil, but the scrap yard you told me about should have some lumps around. It doesn't need to be good steel, mild steel is fine. find a 5kg lump of mild at the scrappy, or see if they have any fork lift truck spikes that can be cut up (my best teaching anvils are made of them). Avoid cast iron anvils like that machine mart one, it will break in use. Also if possible avoid the I (or H) beam as an option:they ring like a bell which is bad for the ears and the noise is a symptom of all that wasted energy from bouncing and flexing! If you find a sledge hammer head, bung it in the oven at the highest temperature you have for a couple or three hours, let it cool down and then secure it.Anviul blocks can be made by cutting a recess for teh anivl in the top (like mine) or casting a lump of concrete around the anvil whilst it is sat in a bucket.
Hammer - with me you used a 1kg (or 0.8kg) machinst hammer from Cromwells, but any hammer that is that sort of weight will do. Lump hammers are unpleasent to forge with and clay hammers are too small/light really. Car boot sales or even teh scrap yard should have some choice.
Tongs - ebay, carboots, auctions, etc. You could use mole grips or big pliers but they aren't as good, though could get you going. Or try and do as much 'on the bar' as possible (based on what I taught you, you could do all of it including drawing the tang without ever cutting it from the bar, then once straightened you could cut the tang end off and hold kin pliers for heat treating)
chisel - cold chisel from carboot, scrapy,or hardware store
Steel stock - files, old tools, springs etc all have good chances of being good steel but make sure you spark test and test heat treating on each 'new' piece. I say that because some springs etc are rubbish steel but the outer surface has been treated to work well for it's designed application (and won't work once you reforege/grind to shape)