Now come up with better poetry ?
Oh Christmasy glitter, you light up my days,
With twinkle and dazzle, in so many ways.
It doesn't upset me if it gets on my clothes,
In my hair, or my pants or even up my nose.
Then when I do sneeze, I just spread more around,
Like an airborne explosion that flutters to the ground.
To be trod in the carpet, and ground in the rug.
Immune to the vacume, like an elusive bug.
Oh Christmasy glitter, I've changed my mind,
You got in my eyes, and made me half blind.
And now that you're here, I wish you'd depart,
You've just lost the place that was close to my heart.
A little bit once helped the joy of the season,
But now you have taken it beyond all reason.
Your dazzle and sparkle, once dear to my eyes,
But I draw the line, at shiney mince pies.