Bah Humbug !.....well, glitter

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Spheroids to Xmas!
I will be be working from 22th to 226th, the 28th, 31st and more.
My prezzie to myself is a new alternator for the van as that started overcharging and has cooked the battery!
Any cards we get in the post I always carefully open now and touch with a finger and thumb to place them on the mantle piece. I dont think there is a non-glitter card up there yet.
The hoover has been put through its paces this week for other reasons......mainly someone else sticking their foot through a cieling and bringing an area 4ft in size down. At least santa will be able to get through.

Never saw the fun of bringing a tree inside myself, just makes a hell of a mess.

John, don't forget your giant pink spork from Dave. :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
There must be more electric reindeer around here than even St Nick himself could use to fly his astral sledge round the world on the night.

I once welded quite a lot of a seven metre high (to the antler tops if I remember right) reindeer that got covered in green leaf looking topiary stuff then masses of Christmas lights.
To bolt the framework up (there was a body, two forequarters and two hindquarters ) there was a door in its stomach like a bomb bay door on a plane, it went down to the Blue Water Shopping centre in Kent.

The company I worked for made two of them and mine was the second.


Full Member
May 2, 2007
Ne'er mind, I've already seen Easter eggs on sale :yikes: :rofl:

EDIT: Has anyone else noticed tesco is selling polar bear patterned wrapping paper? Nothing wrong with that I suppose, but polar bears with antlers? :eek:

My prezzie to myself is a new alternator for the van as that started overcharging and has cooked the battery!

On order or paid for and fitted?
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
Now come up with better poetry ?

Oh Christmasy glitter, you light up my days,
With twinkle and dazzle, in so many ways.

It doesn't upset me if it gets on my clothes,
In my hair, or my pants or even up my nose.

Then when I do sneeze, I just spread more around,
Like an airborne explosion that flutters to the ground.

To be trod in the carpet, and ground in the rug.
Immune to the vacume, like an elusive bug.

Oh Christmasy glitter, I've changed my mind,
You got in my eyes, and made me half blind.

And now that you're here, I wish you'd depart,
You've just lost the place that was close to my heart.

A little bit once helped the joy of the season,
But now you have taken it beyond all reason.

Your dazzle and sparkle, once dear to my eyes,
But I draw the line, at shiney mince pies.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Guess what ?





the damned stuff's back :sigh:

I'm covered in it :( I'm trying to write my Christmas cards and the shiny wee "insert expletives of choice" are everywhere, from my hair to my coffee mug :(

I know it's 'festive', I know it's shiny-itis time, but this stuff drives me nuts :eek:

Merry Christmas, may be it be thoroughly joyful and cheerful and all the other good ful things we can think of, and may your hoover work well too :D



Full Member
Sep 18, 2013
Isle of Arran
Mary, I'm right there with you. I HATE glitter!

Glitter is banned in my house and everyone I know, knows I will not allow it in my house. Its difficult at times when you have a 6 year old daughter but she is the only one exception I make. Although she knows not to walk around the house flapping her glittery art work as "daddy gets grumpy!"

I think my family find it funny to send me glittery Xmas cards but this year I was wise. I vet the cards at the door and any with glitter I have a quick look inside to see who its from and then stick it in a larger envelope with their address on it. On the outside I put in big letters, "REFUSED CONTENTS". Next year it will be a photo of the damn cards in the dust bin or on a nice wee campfire!


British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005

Save Dave the plumber today and gave him some home brew. "You don't do Christmas do you"? said he "Nope" we said "Just a nice meal and some drinks - all home made, a log fire, no dressing up, cards, tinsel, santa suits, Xmas CDs or other tat".

Rather plaintively the large tattooed fella said

"Can I come"?

Do what you enjoy - and, like Ecoman, chuck the rest in the bin, crepe paper and people vomiting in the street do not a good time make!


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
The thing is that I love Christmas time :) I love this brightness in the grey gloomy dull end of the year. My home smells of pinetrees and oranges, and spices and baking :D I decorate and let my inner magpie out :eek: I hang up lanterns at the back and front doors, I pull out the linen tablecovers, wash the crystal and polish the silver, and it's fun catching up with folks; it's just the blasted glitter that sticks to every blooming thing :sigh:

Not really Bah! Humbug!, more Ban the Blooming Glitter!


British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Where does the pine tree smell come from (given you don't have real trees)??

Short answer to the glitter is don't bring glittery cards into the house! Put em straight in the recycling - problem solved :)


Full Member
Sep 18, 2013
Isle of Arran
Oh don't get my wrong Mary. I love xmas (well the pagan in me loves Yuletide) and I love seeing my daughter get all excited about meeting Santa and drawing him pictures. I love the festive smells and treats and I love the fact that the nights are long and usually crystal clear sky reveals billions of stars. Making a camp fire at night in the frosty night air, drinking gluwein and surrounded by my family is one of my great and simple loves. My house is decorated (no lights except on the tree and they are subtle) I put my (non glittery) cards up and we try to have organic decorations (wooden figures, pinecones and nuts are my preferred decorations) although we do have glass baubles and the odd string of plastic beads and tinsel. I love wrapping presents and having nice secrets that are revealed on Xmas morning. I also like to sit down to a nice meal with my family and friends and relax with a glass of port or brandy in the evening. Sheer Bliss.

Anyone that brings glitter on the other hand will have to have it surgically removed from their hoop! :D


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I cut pine branches and bring them into the house. I seperate them up into the 'finger's' of needles and put them in big bowls. I keep my orange and tangerine and mandarin skins and cut them up into fine strips and stir that through the pine needles. I add the papery Chinese lanterns to the mix and I add fresh pine and peel throughout Christmas and New Year :D
It's easy, and no mess in a centrally heated house :D

I really, really don't like artificial air fresheners and fake scented candles; I use real resins instead :) sometimes I add essential oils to my beeswax candles too.


British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Sounds lovely - I use oils and resins too - some frankincense in a tin lid on the Esse works wonders :)

I have a huge bag of cinnamon sticks which always smells nice - better than pine disinfectant anyway!


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I make mug rugs......basically cheap Christmassy fabric or wee remnants of something suitable, made into small fabric envelopes (about 4" square) and I stuff that with a mix of broken up cinnamon sticks and cloves and citrus peel with wheat or unpopped popcorn wrapped up in a couple of layers of wadding or wool remnants. Stitch it closed and when you put a hot mug of coffee down on it, it insulates it and the heat releases a festive scent too :D



M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
The short answer, as has been pointed out, is simply don't use glitter.

I also love the whole festive feel this time of year. Tomorrow, hopefully, we'll be taking Carson for Breakfast With Santa. Last year he was terrified of Santa though, so hopefully this year he'll braver. Hopefully we'll also get a chance toi go west into Alabame to Belingrath Gardens; it's a 40 acre home and garden formerly owne by one of the area's early families. Now it's owned by Mobile County and is open for tours year round, but is especially nice in Christmas when they decorate the whole estate with decorations and lights.
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Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I'm not using glitter, but every blooming card seems to have it generously sprinkled over and in it, these days :sigh:
Even trying to buy cards without it is an exercise in frustration; it's just so totally ubiquitous.......and iniquitous :)
Blasted stuff.

Looks like a good place to take little ones Santaman2000 :)



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.