ASAT camo


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
ever heard of ASAT camo?
it stands for "All Season All Terrain" which is a bit of an urealistic claim!

I tried to copy the design onto an old "chuck-out" sandy coloured jacket, just to see if it's as good as they say.




Now i realise I am visible in each photo, (i only had black paint, it should also have a brown pattern as well). It does Slice me up quite nicely:D

This was only a quick spray-paint job

I really want to get hold of some real ASAT now!:D
Yeagh I've seen that in the early days when bow hunters made some up. I didn't think much of it until I saw it being used by bowhunters in tree stands in northern forests and it looked amazing. I'm not yet convinced all season all terrain is an appropriate name but certainly for forest/scrub environments it would be ace, not convinced on open ground though.

I'm really fascinated by cammo and have found the main fault in most cammo is that they are too dark and not bright or light enough. Swedish Cammo and Danish Cammo have incorporated brighter areas in the pattern and this seems to work quite well. I still think if you get quite a fresh bright Jungle DPM that hasn't faded out, is still one of th e best but I'd like to see it lighter in some bits for a better effect.

Nice home job though. It'd be good fun to get an old snow parka and dye it and spray it to see if it is workable in practice.



Dec 3, 2007
two words. ghillie suit. lol. seriously though, i love camo. but the one thing camo cannot do is stop visual movement. this is the number one thing that pings you visually. i love my camo. i use it for bushcraft and airsoft. in bushcraft its nice knowing you can set up and not be spotted until someone or something walks into you. amazing how you can lay in your hammock and watch as the wildlife ignores you and carries on doing its thing.
in bushcraft its nice knowing you can set up and not be spotted until someone or something walks into you. amazing how you can lay in your hammock and watch as the wildlife ignores you and carries on doing its thing.

Yes that's the rgeat thing about hammocks, you can pitch them really quite high and use them as a wildlife hide :eek: . I've done it and animals on the ground don't scent you either which makes them less cautious than otherwise they would be.

As for blending in, you can't beat it, my best so far was waking up under my basha to eye ball a capercaillie struting his stuff 3ft away and making false charges at me as I peaked my head out! Fantastic!

Cap'n Badger

Jul 18, 2006
Port o' Cardiff
Damn that was good...quite effective!...took me ages t' spot that!....was'nt gonna scroll down till I found 'im...hurr hurr......
Tho I think the dalek that's tryin' t' hide behind the wind chime pole......needs a bit o' work yet.:lmao: :lmao:


Sep 9, 2005
wet wet gloucestershire
I remember seeing this somewhere........ works on the principle that it is more important to break up the human form and that most camo against the skyline etc etc ends up as a dark human shape, especially to animals. Saw the real thing and yours is very good in comparison. I find the idea very intriuging, totaly goes against the norm, but most great ideas do! Really appreciate your post, can you keep us updated with your quest?



Need to contact Admin...
Jun 9, 2008
CRikey, I remember ASAT camo. It was all the rage when we used to go paintballing in the late 80's.
Not sure if it was a civilian hunting camo (remember the original treebark camo - not to be confused with the modern 'real tree' stuff) or an experimental military camo. Always thought it was the latter.
All season/all terrain camos have received a bit of resurgence in the last few years. Mainly due to events in Afghanistan and Iraq. There is the arid (as opposed to desert) version of the US digital pattern or, my particular favourite, is the new multi cam, which has been tested by some US special forces units. If you haven't seen it before then you can see it on this link (WARNING: after taking a look you WILL want to buy some - it looks that damn good):


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
Cool, i didn't look too much of a twit! :eek:

I have come across Multi-cam, yup it's nice:cool: i can't see it working well in the uk in autumn woods or deep ferns ect(but i could say the same about ASAT :rolleyes: )

FYI it is an old Swedish Snow camo jacket, I tried to dye it brown, it came out pink, i tried to bleach the colour out it which turned it a mucky sand colour!

I also remember ASAT from the 80's they had the "Tan ASAT" tan/black/ brown type (the only sort today which I'm trying to copy), which was (as you say)designed for hunting! (the brown is meant to be a chocolate brown)

Rather interestingly they also had a Military version! Grey ASAT!
Which was i think exactly the same pattern but the base colour was grey, then black and almost an "orangey brown". designed to confuse human eyes!
I remember a test of both in "Survival weaponary and techniques"(SWAT) magazine way back in the late 80's.
shame but i don't remember the outcome, (but i think the tan version did better)

the grey was meant to merge with the background sky much the same way that grey on jets and ships does. ie troops marching across an open field "tan" is better for more stationary tasks prehaps even sniping?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
i like the camo tests but....dear God who designed ACU-AT?:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Check out this site, lots of camo tests:

check out the ACU AT!(the new us army camo)it's seriously poor camo!

just look for the "sore thumb" in each photo! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

how the hell did they think that it would work!:eek: plain old school Olive green would have been better in half the photos!
I think it's fair to say that It's a cool looking camo, and the clothes are well designed but even so there's not going to be many places that it'll help camouflage you when you need it! (apart from piles of concrete or stones)

These are the funniest! erm... no good.

yup, no good also...

Er.... we can still see you!:lmao:

come on now you're just not trying!

oh dear.....

The only picture I've found of ACU working!:eek: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

It's gotta be some sort of Gov't conspiricy about why they are issued this S***!


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 9, 2008
i like the camo tests but....dear God who designed ACU-AT

That's the arid US digital I mentioned. I see what you mean - in the woods it looks pretty useless. But a friend has a set and when you see the cam 'in the flesh' it DOES look good.
I must confess, I'm a real camo-phile. My particular favourites are the new Multi cam (which DOES work well in the woods) and the Canadian digital (which we can't get over here - except copies. Apparently the Canadian government hasn't released the genuine articles for civilian purchase - just copies, which are made by the same manufacturer of the originals).
Always happy to have a conversation about camo - I'm a right anorak as well.
That was a qulaity website, by the way.

Pencott has been around for a short while, but nothing is final with it and I wouldn't pay the price anyway.

Well, as the designer of PenCott I guess I should thank you for the mention :) , but I'm interested in how you formed your opinion. Yes, the pattern is new (about 2 years old now), but the uniforms are selling, and are being worn by individuals in several countries. The design has been stable for some months now, but we are still responsive to user feedback, and have introduced improvements while production continues.

We've packed a lot of bang for buck into these garments, and we cut our margin by suicidal amounts to make an affordable product. We could have gone the Asian route like some of our competitors, but we wanted to keep jobs alive in Britain, and thus far (apart from the fabric itself, which has to be imported), every process, from print to manufacture, is performed in the UK. That's never going to be cheap, and to be honest, we were very lucky, both with the manufacturers we found, and with the people in the industry who recognised PenCott's potential and helped us along the way.

We don't have Crye's quasi-military kudos to assure us of volume sales, but if you'll pay their gold-plated prices for Multicam, ask yourself why you won't pay a reasonable amount for a British camo that's arguably better?




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