Another winter warning of sorts

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"I also encourage folks to have a non-electric telephone. "

That is a very good tip, your cordless 'landline' won't work if the mains fails but your bog standard phone will as it receives its power from the telephone line.

Even if you only have it in the cupboard for use in a power failure its a fiver well spent.

I was wondering what a non-electric phone was :confused: (given they are all electric). A corded phone or non-cordless phone then.
A phone that plugs into your BT socket as in the Argos link, not batteries ect.

The US landline phones will still conect you to 911 even if your service has been disconnected and you have no dial tone. Am I correct in assuming that the UK landlines operate similarly?
Thankfully I have never had my phone disconnected nor needed to phone the emergency services, the both at the same time :eek:

I do know that public phones will without any money being used though.

I doubt that private landlines would work for anything once they have been disconnected at the exchange. But I guess someone will be able to confirm or amend this information.
The US landline phones will still conect you to 911 even if your service has been disconnected and you have no dial tone. Am I correct in assuming that the UK landlines operate similarly?

I think you will find UK is the same as here in Australia, they can disconnect you, for not paying the bill BUT the 000 emergency number must stay available.
Not sure about the no dial tone bit though.
I think you will find UK is the same as here in Australia, they can disconnect you, for not paying the bill BUT the 000 emergency number must stay available.
Not sure about the no dial tone bit though.

I wasn't just referring to being disconnected for non payment. I know of several friends and family that have volunrarily stopped their land lines as they convert to cell phone only. None-the-less, the land lines remain in the homes (the phone company doesn't come out and rip them out, LOL) Once service is stopped (whether voluntarily or otherwise) obviously there will be no dial tone.

One of my family members (a cousin) has kept her old phone (the actual telephone itself) after discontinuing her service, just in case there's no cell signal in an emergency (signal isn't reliable inside her home)


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