Another Royal Mail classic

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Full Member
Jul 29, 2007
I had to use Royal Mail before Christmas, there were big signs all over the place saying that it was now policy that anything sent as a packet/parcel or anything bigger than a letter had to have its contents declared.

I use Parcel2go now, normally get UPS or TNT to pick anything up for £4 or there abouts. By the time I've factored in the petrol, parking costs and my time and effort it's far cheaper to pay £4 and get it picked up from the house.
Out of the hundreds of things I've sent I only had one problem and that was with Hermes, thankfully the insurance was very good and everyone got a refund and new items re-sent within a week.
Any interaction with the post office's these days is avoided at all costs.

cheers mate for the info on parcel2go,ive just used them ,and i must say theyre cost is good and picked up from my door! goodbye royal fail i wont be back!


Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
They just asked if the item was on the prohibited list, pointed out a chart on the side of the till, and happily accepted my explanation.

I have explained to them that this is exactly the way to interact if it is about safety rather than demand to know the contents. They just avoid asking me now though. I haven't been rude or difficult in the past apart from just saying NO and that it is not good policy to ask. I had one insist she needed to know and I told her that she didn't. She gave up then. The best way to deal with Totalitarian Tiptoe is to stamp on their toes, in a nice way of course. ;) RM have always managed to deliver mail in past without infringing privacy, that doesn't need to change.

Update: Just went and posted an item. The new guy asked me in the interests of security what was in my parcel. Interests of security, really? That is a new one! The guy obviously fears public interaction as he shakes like a leaf and wouldn't even be able to frank a stamp without getting it wrong. He should have a big L on his forehead to signify he is a learner! Perhaps he is usually fine and just finds me intimidating even when behind bullet proof glass. Grrr
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Full Member
May 8, 2008
It's also worth noting that other carriers have similar or even more restrictive lists of prohibited items, and by using them you're just agreeing your item isn't on their list - much like using RM.


Jul 24, 2008
RM is now beyond a joke.

as is a lot of straight-laced people across the counter or on help lines these days, i often think they could do with a humour transplant, they are allowed to talk down to the customer and the customer is supposed to be subserviant. And complaint departments are an even bigger joke, i recently sent a written complaint to LondonMidland Railway and it took six months to get a reply and when it did i had a note from Roya Mail saying they were holding a letter which i had to pay £1.50 to get it released, LondanMidland had not put a stamp on the envelope and i had to pay the postage myself for their reply to my complaint, which warranted a further complaint, however these days customers are supposed to accept being treated with disdain with grace, which they have little themselves.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 12, 2005
South Marches
as is a lot of straight-laced people across the counter or on help lines these days, i often think they could do with a humour transplant, they are allowed to talk down to the customer and the customer is supposed to be subserviant. And complaint departments are an even bigger joke, i recently sent a written complaint to LondonMidland Railway and it took six months to get a reply and when it did i had a note from Roya Mail saying they were holding a letter which i had to pay £1.50 to get it released, LondanMidland had not put a stamp on the envelope and i had to pay the postage myself for their reply to my complaint, which warranted a further complaint, however these days customers are supposed to accept being treated with disdain with grace, which they have little themselves.

Local Government departments are fun to have a complaint about...

I had one I had to deal with and they have a set amount of time to respond, after an awful time trying to get a resolution I went to see my local MP and took some of his advice, he told me to raise each complaint as a separate issue, which I did, then they had three working days to respond (days when a 1st class stamp meant next day delivery), if they didn't respond to each issue within the time then a complaint was to be issued raising their failure as a complaint, then if they hadn't answered the primary complaint and the secondary complaint within the time...

Then if they hadn't addressed my initial complaints correctly and to my satisfaction then start all over again.

They did eventually end up paying me a small sum, but not before they called a meeting involving their legal department, the director of that particular department, and about a dozen employees who had been involved in failing to give a proper service.

I found that the most important thing is to keep exact records and never give in, if you are right then you have a case that they must answer too, but if you are wrong and not playing by "The Rules" then it is better not to make yourself look a prat.


Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
This is why monopolistic crony capitalism is so bad, give us back a true free market and get rid of all the unfair laws that favour the corporations whilst making it uneconomical for the little man.

A true free market would punish RM good and proper!
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 12, 2005
South Marches
Update: Just went and posted an item. The new guy asked me in the interests of security what was in my parcel. Interests of security, really? That is a new one! The guy obviously fears public interaction as he shakes like a leaf and wouldn't even be able to frank a stamp without getting it wrong. He should have a big L on his forehead to signify he is a learner! Perhaps he is usually fine and just finds me intimidating even when behind bullet proof glass. Grrr

He is probably following the current protocol issued from above.

There is always a threat level in operation, it's when it is ignored by someone that things go wrong.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
This is why monopolistic crony capitalism is so bad, give us back a true free market and get rid of all the unfair laws that favour the corporations whilst making it uneconomical for the little man.

A true free market would punish RM good and proper!

Judging from how many posters are using other carriers, I'd say that's happening.


Mar 1, 2009
northern ireland
Slowworm, thats very interesting, thanks for posting.

do you have access to any directive given to RM counter staff that expressly requires them to ask what is in the parcel ?

i would dearly love to see the actual wording of any instruction issued to counter staff.


Full Member
May 8, 2008
I'm not connected with RM or the PO at all, just searching for info as I sometimes send the odd unusual parcel.

I did find this which is applicable to companies and as a 23 page PDF might be fun to print out if you have a less than helpful PO.

This is the most useful thing I can find, a couple of FOI requests, too old to cover the latest restrictions but it might be worth an email to the person I mentioned earlier if you want the latest advice. Basically the staff are instructed to ask questions.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Said parcel arrived safe and sound Rik, and my wrist isn't that bad, but thanks for the thought :lmao: Sorry you had to jump through so many hoops to get it sent though :(.

I wonder if we should even say what the actual contents was or just let people here use their imagination :naughty:

I'm still waiting for the Secret Santa prezzie to arrive, apparently that was sent on time too, now the sender is making me a replacement whatever-it-is to send that on. I can't help but wonder if some scrote is enjoying whatever that gift was. Chaps me off this low life type of thieving.

I try and avoid using RM but had to today. Took the parcel to the post office and the woman asked my what was in it.

"Why do you want to know"

"If its prohibited we may not be able to fly it"

"Your flying it from South Wales to Kent"

"More than likely, happens all the time now"

"So goodbye Postman Pat and hello Pilot Pat"

"We have a zero tolerance policy against verbal abuse sir"

"Sorry...Its a 6" long vibrating massager that runs on two 'C' type batteries but they are not included, its for a friend who suffers a lot with wrist problems"

£3 please sir.

RM is now beyond a joke.


Full Member
Aug 13, 2007
you can but I think Rik is unhappy with the concept of having to say whats in the package

so far its fine for me a 'its not on the prohibited list' has been all they wanted but I only use the local PO and they know me quite well


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 12, 2005
South Marches
I bet it will be at airports next...Did you pack your own bag sir?

Of course not, that's what I have a wife for...!!!

When I applied for my RAF Commission the question on the form asked -
Have you ever been involved in:

a. espionage?

b. terrorism?

c. sabotage?

d. Actions intended to overthrow or undermine Parliamentary democracy by political, industrial or violent means?

e. Have you ever been a member of, or supported a group or groups involved in any of the above activities?

f. Have you ever had a close association with anyone, including any member of your family, who, to your knowledge, has been a member of or given active support to any such group or activities?

What a silly questions to ask...!!!!, or were they...

They can ask whatever questions they want about the package you are asking them to take, you can answer whatever you want, they can also refuse to carry any of the items you want to post, just like a landlord can refuse to serve you in a pub. Don't like the service you receive, go elsewhere, but what do you do when the next person asks the same questions? Hand deliver your own packages?

You could of course tell them what isn't in the package...That'll confuse them...:lmao:


Dec 20, 2011
North East England
Slowworm, thats very interesting, thanks for posting.

do you have access to any directive given to RM counter staff that expressly requires them to ask what is in the parcel ?

i would dearly love to see the actual wording of any instruction issued to counter staff.

They aren't Royal Mail staff,they're Post Office Counters staff,two completely different companies.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
There has been a lot of problems for 'stovies' sending stove(s) abroad. Even if flushed of fuel and stripped down to components if RM scan and find it they may well ship it on a boat or confiscate and destroy, hence my use normally of a courier service these days; they pick up from me and it gets to wherever I send the item quickly. This month I sent some spares to New Jersey on the 16th and they arrived on the 18th.


Full Member
Aug 13, 2007
That made me smile :D

but to be honest I only ever get great service from my RM delivery team, stopping the van in the street to hand me parcels, handing them into neighbours because they know its ok to - even got a lift back once by one of the guys who was starting his round when I picked up a a rather large parcel from the depot.

They've since shut that particular depot down now though :(
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