Another Hot Weather Danger


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Regarding leaving you dog in the car this speaks for itself:


Remember, even with the windows cracked open, a car's like a greenhouse.


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
I saw someone taking a rough collie (Lassie dog, for those not familiar with the breed) for a walk in the middle of the day a few days ago. Didn't look like that had had it clipped since the winter either. The dog probably cooked within minutes. :cussing:

I was driving past or I would have stopped and said something. I used to have a rough collie of my own years ago, so I know how they suffer with heat.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
A year or two back we had to call the cops and they gave the go ahead for me to break into a car that was parked outside my shop in direct sunshine with one window open a fraction. One of my staff poured water through the window for the dog while I used a piece of wire to get in. (The cops were busy but when they turned up they said I could've broken the window if necessary). When the stupid owner eventually turned up the Police went through them for endangering the dog.

A good way to cool a dog that does get too hot (remember they cant sweat like us) is to drape it in a wet towel/blanket/t-shirt whatever and keep applying water, the water will cool it and the evaporation even more so. Sometimes they'll be sick if you let them drink too much cold water at one go if they've been too hot so dehydrating further.
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Apr 16, 2009
A good way to cool a dog that does get too hot (remember they cant sweat like us) is to draped it in a wet towel/blanket/t-shirt whatever and keep applying water, the water will cool it and the evaporation even more so. Sometimes they'll be sick if you let them drink too much cold water at one go if they've been too hot so dehydrating further.

Mine likes (not at first though ;)), to be squirted with the shower. This sends her mental for 5 mins, then she's definitely a happy doggy :)

Snippy, 10 today, cool, fed, watered, and somewhat pampered :) When she gets really hot she wraps herself round that copper log bin.



Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Mine used to love playing with the garden hose and thought the lawn sprinkler at the girlfriends folks house was the best thing every. Remember turning it on one evening and getting called in to eat. We were sitting afterwards with a glass of wine and I thought "Haven't seen the mutt in ages!" There he was still chasing the sprinkler back and forward but with a distended stomach from all the water he'd drunk - he'd been at it for about an hour and a half. Poor thing was peeing like no tomorrow and was getting cramp and having to chance legs midway through as it was taking so long.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
My Molly is a 5 yr. old springer and as fit a dog as I've ever known; she does a minimum of 15 miles a day, Winter & Summer and is hard as nails. On the odd occasion I need to go into town at this time of year it's a no-brainer that she doesn't get left in the car, but the last couple of times the tarmac & pavement have been way too hot for her to walk on - and her pads are like leather. There can't be many now who are not aware of the car death thing ( you'd hope! ) but it amazes me how few are aware of the amount of heat in the ground on roads and pavements. I'll never have to find out' but I bet burnt pads would be a nightmare for any poor dog that was made to suffer like this, but imagine the owner who doesn't know what's wrong and drags the poor wee thing around, scolding it for laziness! Doesn't bear thinking about.................


May 24, 2013
never thought about the asphalt being hot.
Luckily we walk the dog in fields and woods so it's not to much of an issue but getting there would be!!


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
My last cat had a pink nose and ears with white fur over her face. I didn't know cats could get sunburn, but then I live in Scotland and this much bright light is kind of unusual.

Himself shouted on me to, "Come and see!", yesterday afternoon. One of our coiled hoses has sprung a leek about 2 metres from the end; we were using it to top up the pond and the Robin had taken a notion to the water spraying out of the little hole in the hose. He was under it like a shower :D :D



Full Member
Mar 28, 2011
My dog would walks 3 times an hour a day with me normally. Now he's down to 2 walks of 20 minutes a day. He just sleeps the rest of the time. He hates this weather. I do take him to the sea. He'll just go in until the water reaches his belly. No further. Just imagine your tail getting all wet you wouldn't want that now would you:rolleyes:

Then if I don't give him water in time his excellency drinks a sip or 2 of the sea water. And the next morning I get to get out of bed at 4 pm to walk a diarheaic dog...


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
My dog would walks 3 times an hour a day with me normally. Now he's down to 2 walks of 20 minutes a day. He just sleeps the rest of the time. He hates this weather. I do take him to the sea. He'll just go in until the water reaches his belly. No further. Just imagine your tail getting all wet you wouldn't want that now would you:rolleyes:

Then if I don't give him water in time his excellency drinks a sip or 2 of the sea water. And the next morning I get to get out of bed at 4 pm to walk a diarheaic dog...

Niels, you'll just have to shave him. Though he may hate you for ever.


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
I used to know someone who has a Bernese mountain Dog. That dog was hot all the time, regardless of weather.

The only time I ever saw it stop panting was when it lay down in a three foot deep snowdrift!


Full Member
Mar 28, 2011
Niels, you'll just have to shave him. Though he may hate you for ever.

Think of all the advantages such a thick coat has. Big biting dogs only get a mouth full of hair. I can warm my hands when it's rainy and windy. And he's waterproof! I'm not shaving that of just for these couple of days of hot weather. That and a lapphund just doesn't look right without the beard.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Think of all the advantages such a thick coat has. Big biting dogs only get a mouth full of hair. I can warm my hands when it's rainy and windy. And he's waterproof! I'm not shaving that of just for these couple of days of hot weather. That and a lapphund just doesn't look right without the beard.

Oh you could leave the beard, it would look very funny. He'd look like Papa Smurf.


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 18, 2011
I have an old black long haired collie cross bitch. In the sun, she obviously suffered, so I gave her a number three with the trimmer when she was 18 months old. I did that twice a year up until last year and she loved it. She would get really excited when she heard it turn on and come running over and stand in front of me waiting for her to shave her. Was a bit of a pain when I was trying to shave myself mind. But she is an old lass now and has learned that she is much more comfortable sitting indoors with a breeze coming through the house so I haven't bothered. If she was still running about all day in the heat, I wouldn't hesitate to shave her again.
On my lurcher, a wet towel goes a long way. You can see the steam rising almost imediately and it has to be soaked again after 15 minutes. But she appreciates that immensley.
My collie bitch is more white than black and she never seems to suffer with heat. I usually end up throwing her in the sea when I think she is too hot as she never stops to take shelter in shade, won't come near me for the clippers (I was always told not to shave white dogs anyway as they are prone to sunburn) and refuses to keep a wet towel on.
My other cross bred dog is black and tan and he has thick and long hair, so he gets shaved and a wet towel. He loves the towel and tolerates the trimmer!

Mine rarely see the inside of a car or tarmack anyway, so rarely even consider them. But my biggest problem with keeping them cool is that the younger one just will not stop running about the garden. I have tried shutting her in, but she lets herself out as she can open the doors. I locked the door once, so she sat in the window, in full sun, howling to come out. Thickest collie I know that is too stupid to get out of the heat, even though she is visibly struggling. Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun. My dog is barmy!


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
If you take your dog, take water for the dog as well as yourself. More so, in fact, since they can only cool down by evaporation from panting, which means they lose a lot of water as they cool.


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