Aye but it is the minor ones that come back to bite you in later years ...Thanks guys!
I know on the scale it's a pretty minor injury!
When I was 20 I sprained my knee (fairly badly as it turns out) but as it did not hurt too much I carried on with my walk (15 miles more that day and 40 miles all told over the next week) - I was in the middle of a Lands End to John ) Groats walk and did not want to quit...
A poor diagnosis from a GP delayed my seeing a specialist for a few months - during which I struggled on (never did complete my "Big Walk" ) climbing, hiking etc etc.
It turns out I had torn ligaments, muscles and cartilage and had basically wrecked the joint!
I never had the care the injury needed at the time and this lead to chronic weakness and further sprains, while "over-compensation" has wrecked my other knee and my Sacro-illiac joint... twisting of my spine (combined with the effect of a broken neck I got playing Rugby in my youth - again not treated appropriately at the time) lead to nearly losing the use of my right arm as nerves got crushed between 1st rib and collarbone....
A partial dislocation of my shoulder was never shown to my doctor (it happened during my Canoe 5star exam and I did not want to quit and fail - so I carried on... it reduced itself later that day - with a clunk that was heard yards away...) and now I am looking at surgery to repair the joint: at present I cannot canoe shoot a bow, do much sawing or wood chopping and have chronic pain!
Minor injuries have a habit of being more serious than we give them credit for!
Take your time and get the ankle healed FULLY and keep an eye on any minor aches and pains elsewhere that could be the symptoms of problems caused by over compensation...
Good luck!