a Sleeping Tawny Owl?

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Out and about today, I decided to have a closer look at the now, completely destroyed, nature trail which was set up about 10 years ago.
It had a small'ish sitka spruce plantation in the middle of it which the F.C. decided should be clear felled, I'd be amazed if it raised more than £3000-£4000 revenue for F.C. but, to be fair, there were dozens of windblown trees amongst it so maybe it was sensible to destroy it after all?
Anyway, after collecting a daysack full of birch bark from a couple felled tree's ( supposed to be left untouched by the contractors but...:bluThinki ) I wandered off towards the mountain bike trail about 75metres from the clear fell site.
I was near the end of the mid section when something caught my eye. You know when your absolutely familiar with an area and you look at it and theres something not quite right?
Well this is what I saw:

I hadn't been taking my time and had stood on plenty of crackling twigs and whatnot so I was surprised that it hadn't moved, for a moment I actually thought it might be stuffed or made of plastic!
I zoomed in a bit, fully expecting it to take flight:


Then at full zoom:


I even had time to faff about with the camera settings!


Of course eventually, although not for a full 10 minutes mind you!, He/She woke up, shook their head and dropped off the branch, with not a sound and flew off through the bushes and trees, following a route that, when checked shortly after, looked tight for a blackbird never mind a Tawny Owl! ( just guessing here I hasten to add, any i.d. more than welcome)

I have watched many owls as well as sparrowhawks, kestrels, jays etc in Chopwell wood in the past but this is the first time I have managed to get a decent picture of an owl.

just thought I'd share what was for me, a magical moment;)



May 19, 2005
Great pics R B. When i think of the amount of time i've spent in C Woods and never saw anything i could cry for the wasted opportunities.



Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Those small spaces when time just slooooows down and creates something very special are brilliant :D
Beautiful moment, thanks for sharing.


Barn Owl

Old Age Punk
Apr 10, 2007
Nice pics RB.

Make a 'rectangle' with your fingers like pro' photographers and an owl will get through that.

My highlight today was 4 Osprey,no pics though.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Great pics R B. When i think of the amount of time i've spent in C Woods and never saw anything i could cry for the wasted opportunities.


So you know Chopwell Wood then?:)

I'm pretty much sure that this bird was one of a slack handful I have seen in the, now cleared, sitka patch in the past.
The F.C. contractors have been making a hell of mess since last October, all through the nesting season, with no regard for the wildlife.
Apparently, the F.C. can and do, harvest timber all year round, perfectly legally:confused:

I wish I could have caught the Owl on camera when it crossed a more open patch and the sun lit up the stunning colours of it's plumage. Alas, I tried but ended up with what looked a flying dog do do! very blurred and impossible to tell what it was:rolleyes:

I also came away with a few bits of Rowan for whittling, so That 'll keep me occupied for a while.

All The Best



Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
I bought one of those wooden Tawny Owl calls recently and have perfected the technique. If anyone wants to lure local Tawny's closer and communicate with them, I highly recommend that you buy one. Takes a bit of practice using both hads, but is well worth it. Mind you, when you suddenly here that loud Keee-Wick right next to you, you may need some new pants too.

Beautiful pictures.


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
Be careful with Tawnys',they can be very aggressive.

They'll go for your eyes or rake your scalp at times.

Yeah, agree with you there, they are the most agressive birds I have ever encountered. Although I've never had a problem with them outside the mating season or when they're looking after chicks. I don't recommend poking them in the bum to see what happens either.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Be careful with Tawnys',they can be very aggressive.

They'll go for your eyes or rake your scalp at times.

When I was somewhat younger than I am now ( about 16 years ago:bluThinki ) I used to regularly run/jog a 7 mile route, that took in about half a mile of very quiet country road, which was thickly wooded on either side. I almost always ran this at night. ( with red bike light on the backpack and a torch! Oh lordy...the things you do:togo: ) there are no streetlights, so it's pretty dark, Anyway, at least three times, I was "buzzed" by owls.So to counter this, for the 1/2 mile or so, wooded bit,I adopted a "waving the torch frantically,around and above my head, while still trying to see where I was going" approach, which seemed to discourage any further encounters.:D

The things you do, when you really should know better!:rolleyes:
cest la vie!


May 19, 2005
So you know Chopwell Wood then?:)

Sorry for not replying sooner, one of those threads that got away :eek:

Yea I / we used to go to Chopwell at least three times a week, usually once on a weekend and twice during the week. Sometimes with the dogs in tow and others just for a chill-out walk. Its funny but we used to say sometimes how quiet it was and that we thought there should be more bird noise :rolleyes:



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