A simple Chuck Box


Full Member
Aug 13, 2007
Runs on white gas, like Coleman fuel, same as the stove. The tin on the RH shelf carries spare.

I use panel wipe or Brake and clutch cleaner as it's much cheaper.

I like them so much I bought myself a second one recently.

My moms had one for years - never gave it much thought until recently.


I did think of making a bigger one but I'm getting to the point where I have to think about the available packing space in the van these days.

The one I just made should fit into a gap between the tent poles and bed frame on the left axle and the tool chest and hardware boxes on the right axle.

The stuff that normally fills that space are soft bags that can move into spaces on the upper cargo deck and some of the contents of those bags is just the type of stuff that now goes into the chuck box.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Having a set up like that, think of what a wonderful job it will do of making cooking so much easier.

I have a big old plastic fishermans seat for my kitchen kit. It keeps things rationalised but something you can use as a table as well as storage would make life much simpler.

(And just having a box is a big start)


There was a group of western/cavalry re-enactors at Kirby Hall one year that had a wagon with a fantastic Chuck Box on the back. Sadly I was in kit at the time so I have no pictures of it.

I was very impressed back then but not into any period work that could make use of it.

The advantage with what we are doing with the STC is that we can take inspiration from pretty well anywhere and do what we like with it.
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Sometimes I just can’t stop tinkering with an idea.

I woke up one morning and realised I was missing a trick. Those brass carry handles on the ends would make great hanging points.

I had been looking for a more convenient way to set out the cutlery so I made up a couple of small boxes with bail wire hangers.


When packed, they fit into the lower right compartment, as I would normally pack the lanterns separately anyway.
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Sometimes you just get lucky.

I had been on the lookout for a couple of lanterns that I could hang from the sides for evening illumination and a bit of SteamTent flair.

This weekend, at a boot sale I spotted a replica coach lantern in a box of assorted brass ware.

As I picked it up the seller said "There's another of those in there somewhere." sure enough, after a rummage and a couple of coins exchanging hands, I had my pair, just right.

The cheap oil lamp inserts leaked a bit when I tried them out so I made some simple trench candles out of pipe fittings to replace them and here we are, all done just in time for my next camp.
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Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Two things (while I wipe the drool off my keyboard):
1. Do I see a nutmeg grater built into the handle of the smaller nested ladle?
2. Set out as she is, what is the working height of the bench top?
> cofffee could not taste better in the morning than from that set.

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Certainly, I was. Had this nutter idea to have the nutmeg grater a part of a handle for something.
Your collection is outstanding pieces.

What do you keep in the round wooden case?


Another little addition to the chuck box.

One of the minor annoyances of Summer camping is the number of Kamikaze flying insects that consider an open drink to be an irresistible opportunity.

I usually attempt to frustrate their attempts with something like a tin plate, but spying an unused scrap of plywood in the workshop this morning, I decided to do something a bit more purposeful about it.

An hour or so of tinkering later, mostly waiting for glue to dry, here is the result.

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Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Funny, none of the old gif images will open for me now.

Bugs. Swallowing a wasp that was swimming in a canned drink has caused some serious injuries here. We can buy 6-packs of washable screen mesh topper lids for canned drinks. Backyard BBQ essentials since the smell of MEAT usually brings on the wasp tribe and they will be very aggressive.
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Funny, none of the old gif images will open for me now.

Bugs. Swallowing a wasp that was swimming in a canned drink has caused some serious injuries here. We can buy 6-packs of washable screen mesh topper lids for canned drinks. Backyard BBQ essentials since the smell of MEAT usually brings on the wasp tribe and they will be very aggressive.
They sound like a clever idea.

Presumably you can drink through them?


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.