I'm lucky enough to have some very nice woodland local to where I live.
I have recently managed to get my wife interested in the outdoors so we took a nice hike today along some of the local trails with our 6 month old daughter.
Here are some pictures we took along the way.
Walking through the horse fields on the way towards the local valley
A shot looking back at where we had come from. There was a horse riding show on at the time.
A bit of a tricky negotiation to get into the valley due to old and fallen trees
Some lovely blue bells I believe.
The recent rainfall has caused this to happen.
The wifey with our Yorkshire Terrier
What remains of an old building and retaining wall
Our way of getting across the river.
The view looking back up the river from where we came.
The view looking down river from where we were heading.
There has been some improvement to the local pathway and it's nice to see.
Me with my daughter whilst we stopped at the top of a hill on the trail.
Looking back down a stream flowing down the valley sides. Lots of iron in the water.
The exit of our hiking journey but the entrance for someone else.
All in all we have had a really good days hiking and we only stuck to on of the main trails. There are plenty of side tracks leading away from the main trail. I plan on taking my son down here at some point soon, going off the beaten track and having a night with nature.
I have recently managed to get my wife interested in the outdoors so we took a nice hike today along some of the local trails with our 6 month old daughter.
Here are some pictures we took along the way.

Walking through the horse fields on the way towards the local valley

A shot looking back at where we had come from. There was a horse riding show on at the time.

A bit of a tricky negotiation to get into the valley due to old and fallen trees

Some lovely blue bells I believe.

The recent rainfall has caused this to happen.

The wifey with our Yorkshire Terrier

What remains of an old building and retaining wall

Our way of getting across the river.

The view looking back up the river from where we came.

The view looking down river from where we were heading.

There has been some improvement to the local pathway and it's nice to see.

Me with my daughter whilst we stopped at the top of a hill on the trail.

Looking back down a stream flowing down the valley sides. Lots of iron in the water.

The exit of our hiking journey but the entrance for someone else.
All in all we have had a really good days hiking and we only stuck to on of the main trails. There are plenty of side tracks leading away from the main trail. I plan on taking my son down here at some point soon, going off the beaten track and having a night with nature.