A Litte Moan...


Full Member
Mar 20, 2010
Sorry that your having a rough time Ivan, there is always someone who will ruin it for everybody else and it looks like you have one or two down your way regarding your permisions. I hope your mother will be OK, and if you need someone to talk to or a shoulder you know how to reach me. Hope to see you at the Moot this year and that things improve for you.


Jun 8, 2013
What a crap week! :( Hopefully it will be better next week :) Sorry about your mum. Been somewhere similar with my dad. Its difficult, I found that all you can do is be there as much as you can for them. And look after yourself too! :)


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Thanks people! Half wish i had kept my keyboard shut! But sometimes you just have to, don't you?

Let me bore you with a little tale, about "My Amazing Mum"

My father died when i was 12, so my mum brought myself and my sister up on her own and ran a business!
In 2000, when 72 years old she went Greek island hopping and wild camping, alone! I was really concerned, anyway on the coach journey she happened to sit next to a recently widowed 70 year old man doing exactly the same thing, (John, from Sussex) They walked and camped together and had a ball.

Upon return, they stayed in touch for a while by letter (thats something people used to do once apparently!) Anyway they lost contact, drifted apart or whatever, the following summer, my mum announced she was going to do the Greek island thing again, alone, well there is no stopping her when she gets something in her head.

Now the next bit sounds made up , but is not, on the last part of her coach journey, she only happened to sit next to , you've guessed it, John, doing exactly the same thing, independantly, well the rest is history as they say, in condensed form, John sold his house in Sussex, and came to live with mum, took the heat off my sister and i , as John was a brilliant cook and a great companion for my mum, so you think, aahh! Thats nice they lived happily ever after.

Not quite, the next 6 years were bliss, for the pair of them, but at 11.20 hrs on Tuesday 28th November 2006, my mum was involved in a serious car accident, an articulated lorry drove right over her car, they finally cut her free at 16.30 hrs, after she had "died twice" and airlifted her to hospital, it was touch and go as to whether she would survive for a few days, and they wanted to amputate her leg, anyway she came round and begged them not to cut it off! They told her she would probably never walk again, let alone dance or drive.

Well, not to drag it out, she not only walks, with a stick, she drives, and managed a small dance at a wedding!

John was amazing, during her long recovery, a real brick with the patience if Jobe.

Anyway, we are nearly there, last year John suffered a major stroke, and is very limited in his movement, no more driving, walking,golf or his passion gardening(he was a university lecturer, and has written books on grafting etc) So now the boot was on the other foot, and my mum had to do everything, which she did without so much as a moan (old school eh?)

Right, last bit, Mum was unwell a few weeks ago, and spent a week in hospital, occ health became involved, and as mum is Johns carer, they were not happy about her coming home, so it was suggested that she have home help, cleaner, meals on wheels etc, which she was not very happy about!

So, she has a cleaner once a week, and i cook for her everyday and run meals up for them, which she loves, and so do i to be honest.

Last week, as you know she was diagnosed with skin cancer, which she has taken on the chin, in the only way i knew she would, and we will face whatever, comes together as a family.

These incidents, have made my mother and i, closer than we have been for years.

Once again, thanks for the kind comments, she is one very tough old bird!

"My Amazing Mum"

Love you very much, indeed.


By the way mods, if this is inappropriate, delete.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Hi Ivan,

Sounds like your Mum, John, Sister and you have had a time of it (though their getting together is a sweet story). But unlike a lot of folk it seems to have bound you tighter rather than pull you apart. Hopefully the latest knock will be surmounted soon and remember, that although we Brits like to pretend to be stoic, it's actually nice blowing of pressure to friends, their very act of listening is pretty therapeutic, and they don't mind 'cause they care.

ATB Mate,


Jun 8, 2013
Your mum sounds pretty amazing. And you sound a pretty amazing son too! :) Life can be very challenging, and its good to share its ups & downs. Wish you & your mum & your family all the best.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2010
All the best to your mum Ivan wish her good health and hope she beats the skin cancer, sorry to hear about the permissions to i know how hard you work to try and provide places for people to practice their bushcraft and wild camping skills.


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