A leather tinderbag

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Nov 16, 2023
South Wales
Slow day at home so I'm going to post some finished projects.

Soft leather tinderbag, with hand-rolled jute cord drawstring. As easy as it looks to make - I used the TA Outdoors video to get the dimensions right, and the leather was from a family member decluttering an attic - it's thin and soft.

* Make a paper pattern and mark onto the leather with pencil.
* Cut with scissors, and holes punched with a mallet and awl.
* Holes are 1" in from the edge, and approx 1" apart.
* The bag is closed with a midshipman's rolling hitch.
* Circle dimensions: diameter 14 1/2"

Ive then made a loop for my belt, with another midshipman's rolling hitch, to pull it tight to me or drop it loose for room to work.

It looks very handsome filled with hedgerow clutter! Fern, birch bark, rosebay willowherb, shavings and all sorts of flammable forest things.


Slow day at home so I'm going to post some finished projects.

Soft leather tinderbag, with hand-rolled jute cord drawstring. As easy as it looks to make - I used the TA Outdoors video to get the dimensions right, and the leather was from a family member decluttering an attic - it's thin and soft.

* Make a paper pattern and mark onto the leather with pencil.
* Cut with scissors, and holes punched with a mallet and awl.
* Holes are 1" in from the edge, and approx 1" apart.
* The bag is closed with a midshipman's rolling hitch.
* Circle dimensions: diameter 14 1/2"

Ive then made a loop for my belt, with another midshipman's rolling hitch, to pull it tight to me or drop it loose for room to work.

It looks very handsome filled with hedgerow clutter! Fern, birch bark, rosebay willowherb, shavings and all sorts of flammable forest things.


Sweet! I like that sort of tinder bag too. I've made a few over the years myself, tho they are usualy a tad smaller. Must make a bigger one someday.
I make a load like these at the Crannog Centre.

Party Favours and projects for childrens groups.

And a good use for old sofa leather. I save the good stuff for serious projects
They're a great design for tinder specifically - I used a couple of things before this, a box pouch, a long thin stuff bag from some bit of kit, but when I was thinking about tinder collection - this shape is perfect. It's the ability to open it all the way open so you dont have to force oddly-shaped things in or crush them, they can keep a bit of that 'structure' and fluffiness, and similarly when you remove them.

I like having a mat for fire-making on, to organise all my stuff - originally I just had a roll of leather but it was too heavy and bulky - so I like that you can get an empty tinder pouch totally flat.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.