A deer trip with Warthog1981


Making memories since '67
Last year Warthog1981 and I did not get out on as many trips as we had hoped so this year we have been trying to make an effort to get out. The weekend just passed was a holiday weekend for the building trade so I was of and Russell managed to get the time off too. So we were sorted.

We needed to sort out where we would go. Loch Awe was tempting but the weather was not looking good. We seem to have done Loch lomond a lot but realised we had never camped on Creinch despite it looking ideal. the only thing against it was it was almost in the centre of the loch so getting windbound could be an option but as we would be tandem in the canoe we were pretty confident we would be okay. At the last minute I realised I would be dog sitting for Bess, Stuart_Blink & Zippy's dog. So Bess joined us for the trip. We made room for her bed in the canoe but she seemed keen on the high ground.


Once we got Bess in her real place in the canoe we were off. It was pretty windy but nothing outside our comfort zone. Bouncy but fun.


We paddled up the side of Inchcailloch first and landed on Torrinch for a bit of a look around. Russell saw some fungi to photograph and identify later.


Then off again round the side of Torrinch. We saw a deer at this point on the shore. I got a picture but it was pretty pants so you will just need to take my word for it.

Then it was on to the crossing between Torrinch and Creinch. This was the most bouncy bit of the trip and we did think about if for a very short time before heading across.


Once on Creinch there were loads of choices for camp sites, especially as we were hammocking. We got set up and had our usual haggis dinner (haggis, vegetarian haggis and mashed potatoes, yum). No pictures at this point as I was too busy cooking then eating :)

After dinner we had a bit of an explore of the island in the dark. We saw plenty of signs of deer and heard them as well but no sightings yet.


Then back to camp for chat and coffee in front of the fire.


We did wonder what to do about Bess's sleeping arrangements. We had a bed for her but there was still the wind and rain. In the end we made her a wee cave from the camp chairs with a PFD and jacket for a roof. It was under the tarp so these were not needed for the rain but we figured it would keep some heat in. Like her fur coat was not doing that already.


After a great nights sleep in the hammock it was time for breakfast. A hearty black pudding and tattie scone in a fajita wrap. Actually we had two of these each. It is hard work all this exploring lark you know.


Suitably nourished we left camp to look round the island in the daylight.


On one side of the island we found a line of these posts. Probably about 20m apart but not for a fence. i am guessing hey are something to do with a survey of some sort. We also noticed the island was not too bad for rubbish. Not entirely clean but far from what many of the islands are like.


We also found the spot where one deer had taken it's last nap.


After a going through the middle of the island and back round one side we decided to have a paddle round in the daylight as well to get a good look at the shore. With the canoe empty it bounced a lot more in the waves but still not a problem.


Once we had done our lap we still had some time to kill. Driftwood was joining us for the afternoon and we had promised not to make the pancakes till he arrived. So while waiting we had a look at the half of the island we had not covered by foot in the morning.

I should have said earlier but during the morning we had loads of sightings of deer. usualy in groups of 3 or more. As we as these there were trees stripped of their bark and other signs of the deer presence. Not east of these being another skeleton.


Of course there was other wildlife on the island. Plenty of beetles for a start.


At last Driftwood arrived and we could get on with the pancake making. We had brought maple syrup, hone and fudge sauce to try. Below Russell is trying to tell me the fudge sauce is not very good and I should just leave it to him. Driftwood tried a similar tact but I was less than convinced.


Having eaten our pancakes Driftwood had a bit of a look round the island with us before heading off back home.


That night was another night round the fire with freshly made pizza for dinner. This was followed by jelly baby cake (no I am not kidding) and lots of coffee.

After another good nights sleep and another hearty breakfast we packed up the stuff and got ready to leave. As usual there was no sign left of our passing through.


Paddling back across to Torrinch was lumpy but still not too hairy.


On the shore of Torrinch we say this buck resting by the shore. you can see how close we got. This was repeated another two times with different bucks, once on this island and once on Inchcailloch.


Rounding the point between the two islands we saw a deer in the water swimming but on seeing us and thinking Russell had plans for a venison lunch it quickly made it to land and ran off onto the woods.

Of course we landed for a look about. We found a stand of bamboo which was a bit surreal.

Then back to the canoe for the final stretch back into Balmaha


All in all a great few days away. We saw loads of wildlife, had a great paddle, explored and as always, ate like kings.


Dec 15, 2005
Looks superb John, I could just do with a bit of that myself right now.

Maybe taking swmbo out to see the wallabies in a few weeks when we're up but no camping, not yet anyway ;)

The Cumbrian

Full Member
Nov 10, 2007
The Rainy Side of the Lakes.
Looks like you all had a great time.
I flew down to Ayrshire to meet my family and I had a hard time finding somewhere to stay. The building trade holiday explains it, as well as all of the coaches from the Glasgow area in Ayr.

Cheers, Michael.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I wondered what you two had been up to ......frankly I'm envious, that looks like an excellent jaunt oot on the water :D and I keep seeing available boats these days :eek:

Thanks for posting the blog and photos :approve:



Jun 3, 2004
Not sure how i didnt notice john posting our blogg here so heres my photos to

As John said its we've not been out much this year so here's some of the photos of our last trip

Somethings wrong there's a space for the dog


Should be Torrinch


One happy little dog


Rather fuzzy deer


Feeding time


mmm I cant remember if this was the sweet Chile chicken on or the chicken tikka one


View under our kitchen tarp


Johns new cooking technique :eek:


shot of camp


wee dog that follows you everywhere


Honest it wasn't us


local pudding Rock


Strange fungus


same strange fungus


Birch polypore


Deer wallow


Did a wee experiment with a horse hoof fungus dried it out and then lit it the result is even this small one burned for well over 3 hours


what Torrinch is like



Another deer




Best way to spend an evening


Can you tell where the fire was


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.