A couple of small carving projects


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Aug 16, 2006
England's most easterly point
There you go, weeks without any posts from me and now, two come at once... just like buses!:)

I have carved a walking stick over a few weeks. I found the pattern fro the carving in a book by Shawn Cipa, on gargoyles.

The handle carving is mahogany, laminated and with the addition of a 6mm steel pin to reinforce the joint. The wood for the stick is interesting because my daughter had found in the river at Boscastles in Devon before the river flooded the place. So it has a bit of history!

The secong carving is an on-going project. From the same book by Shawn Cipa, it's a door knocker, featuring a greenman. It's only half done at the moment.

I have done a bit more work on it since I took those pics, I'll post some more as soon as I get around to take them! The greenmas is about 6' square. I am carving the whole thing ou of Oak. I am not sanding it because I prefer to see the tool marks on my carvings.


Full Member
Mar 28, 2011
Both are brilliant. I like the walking stick in particular. At first glance, I thought it was a horses head.:)

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Hey Joel mate - how is life treating you? Recovering properly I hope my friend?

Loving the look of the greenman door knocker - we have been looking for a nice door knocker for ages and not found one we like enough. If that one disappears one night......

Love to the girls!



Feb 21, 2010
Rupert's Land
Very impressive stuff Joel. A very scary looking walking stick too:).
I hope you're fully back on your feet and all is well.


Need to contact Admin...
Aug 16, 2006
England's most easterly point
Hey Joel mate - how is life treating you? Recovering properly I hope my friend?

Hello Hugh. Good to hear from you. Not too bad at all, I am pretty much back to "normal" now. I just have to learn to live with angina, particularl6y when it's cold and windy, cold wind being the worst for starting it off. I may still have to have a stent put in though sometimes. (and I am sure I have enough medication to start my own pharmacy)

I'll make sure I use safety screws when I secure this greenman then! And keep it in a secret location...:)It's more of a decorative carving though. The knocker, despite being laminated with two bits of wood with the grain at 90 degrees, is relatively fragile.

Yes, that stick is a bit scary, isn't it, with the gargoyle looking pretty grim, and it's a hefty stick too, though it is quite light considering its diameter. The mahogany handle is laminated too, and it proved to be a hard wood to carve. I haven't carved the feathers on the wings yet, but only because I need new glasses!

This piece of Oak is lovely to carve and it has a lovely grain to it. I am only using boiled linseed oil on it and when finished it will be waxed. Most probably will live inside, to protect it from the foraging ability of a certain native squirell...:rolleyes:..

Here is the latest picture of the door knocker.

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