A ban on online knife sales...

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You can get a debit card under 18 but I was under the impression you had to be over 18 to get a paypal account... maybe wrong there.

Our government would view this as a way to increase their funding. It is not illegal most places here for minors to buy knifes but what our government would do is pass a law that mail order knifes had to be signed for by an adult on delivery. Then they would run sting operations regularly that minors would order knifes and if the mail order company did not require a signature they would fine them some ridiculous amount that is way disproportionate to the crime. :)
You can get a Paypal account using a prepay credit card as they appear as Mastercard in transactions, so no you don't need to be 18.
A statement on your site or sales material saying 'buyers must be over 18' or a tickbox or whatever does not indemnify you from culpabilty under the law. Caveat venditor I'm afraid!
Age verfication systems by the way run to about £1.20 (plus VAT) per check excluding set up charges and with a minimum of somewhere in the region of 900-1000 checks per annum. So about a grand to a grand and a half.
Think on that when you buy a clipper knife online!
as an aside, I believe they where banned due to their use by a gang known as the "teddy boys". which strikes me as one of the worst gang names in the history of mankind. not exactly likely to strike fear into the hearts of your opponents is it?

The name 'Teddy Boys' comes from the clothes fashion they adopted, which was similar to those worn in Edwardian times. Another favourite weapon of the day, which you don't hear of now, was a bicycle chain with the edges of the links sharpened.

Phaserrifle is right, its time we banned kitchens!

And don't forget workshops and garages.. knives, screwdrivers, air tools, saws, tin snips compressors, welding equipment...Surely we're not responsible enough to be trusted with ALL THAT POWER?? And as for tree surgeons....The govt will surely have the screaming hab dabs lol

Knitting needles !!!...I'll get me coat:D
And don't forget workshops and garages.. knives, screwdrivers, air tools, saws, tin snips compressors, welding equipment...Surely we're not responsible enough to be trusted with ALL THAT POWER?? And as for tree surgeons....The govt will surely have the screaming hab dabs lol

Knitting needles !!!...I'll get me coat:D

you forgot, natures own ballistic missiles, rocks.

lets ban rocks.
Bummer about paypal not being sufficient; they should maybe come up with more than one type of Paypal account; an adult one which has to be verified somehoworother and an underage one, kinda like how citizen card (I think?) has different cards for adults and minors. Would sure make the whole thing simpler.

oh this is nothing.......my mate the other day got asked for id for a safety razor..........."You come near me boy and I will badly shave you're arm..........scary huh" it's obsurd, kids have had knives for years, and guess what we're still here.....ergo it dosn't spell the end of civilisation
Sometimes I have to look at the government and laugh fully and heartily, And in this case, the stupidity of the idea.
25% of shops are selling illegally, then shut them down.Or impose fines or something It's what the law is for as is, Don't add new laws, uphold those that are there now.

I doubt this will go ahead, but even if it did, I reckon it would last about as long as the sword import bans they began last year. Was it 4 months before the over 50cm curved blade ban was pulled?
Interestingly the pulling of this law was no where near as publicised as the ban itself was.

I probably could rant about this all day, but I just wanted to put in my contribution to the 42 page goal...
Has anyone asked to ban trees yet? Dangerous all that wood around, think of all the weapons you can make: forks, pokers, sharpened sticks...

We should save a bit of that dangerous wood to make a couple of very thick, short planks to send to the authors of the idea of the ban on internet sales)

I even saw a knuckle duster made of matchsticks and glued together with Prit-Stick paper glue, when I went to the Games Fair In Norwich a little while back. So ban matchsticks , please. (had been found during a Norwich prison cells search, along with a startling collection of impromptu weapons made with lighters and screws, nails, razor barbed wire)

Talking of ID, I bought a picnic basket yesterday as a prezzie: Guess what's in it.....yes ladies and gentlemen.... knives :eek: ...And guess what the girl on the till mentioned: my age:( . Now I am 58 so I don't think I look like I am under 18, which is very sad of course :rolleyes: So I gave her a gentle lecture about the fact that its not the knives that are dangerous, it's the people holding them. It's not her fault, she was just doing her job, so I was nice about it. But how stupid of the shop management who put that in place.
Has anyone asked to ban trees yet? Dangerous all that wood around, think of all the weapons you can make: forks, pokers, sharpened sticks...

We should save a bit of that dangerous wood to make a couple of very thick, short planks to send to the authors of the idea of the ban on internet sales)

I even saw a knuckle duster made of matchsticks and glued together with Prit-Stick paper glue, when I went to the Games Fair In Norwich a little while back. So ban matchsticks , please. (had been found during a Norwich prison cells search, along with a startling collection of impromptu weapons made with lighters and screws, nails, razor barbed wire)

Talking of ID, I bought a picnic basket yesterday as a prezzie: Guess what's in it.....yes ladies and gentlemen.... knives :eek: ...And guess what the girl on the till mentioned: my age:( . Now I am 58 so I don't think I look like I am under 18, which is very sad of course :rolleyes: So I gave her a gentle lecture about the fact that its not the knives that are dangerous, it's the people holding them. It's not her fault, she was just doing her job, so I was nice about it. But how stupid of the shop management who put that in place.

All items that are age controlled (knives, alcohol, aerosols, some medicines, etc) are coded to flag to the till operator that ID needs to be provided. If you don't provide ID, you don't get the sale - I've seen it happen in Tescos. It is an automated process that removes human error - so Tesco won't get fined/sued. It's their perogative; if we don't like, we shop elsewhere but any major supermarket will now use the same type of system.

There's little point in lecturing the till operator: they have no power to change anything (write to the board or customer relations (used to be 'customer complaints', didn't it?)), they can't help it (automated system), and, frankly, they don't care (what do you reckon the till girl said to her mates in the staff room about the plonker who tried to lecture her on knife use?).

Are we at 42 pages yet? :D
You can get a Paypal account using a prepay credit card as they appear as Mastercard in transactions, so no you don't need to be 18.
A statement on your site or sales material saying 'buyers must be over 18' or a tickbox or whatever does not indemnify you from culpabilty under the law. Caveat venditor I'm afraid!
Age verfication systems by the way run to about £1.20 (plus VAT) per check excluding set up charges and with a minimum of somewhere in the region of 900-1000 checks per annum. So about a grand to a grand and a half.
Think on that when you buy a clipper knife online!

Mmmm...blows my theory out of the water. Poo.

So, does this mean that vendors will now either have to pay the extra for the age verification system (and, presumably, add the cost to the knife/axe?) or, take a risk on being fined/sued for selling to minors?
There's little point in lecturing the till operator: they have no power to change anything (write to the board or customer relations (used to be 'customer complaints', didn't it?)), they can't help it (automated system), and, frankly, they don't care (what do you reckon the till girl said to her mates in the staff room about the plonker who tried to lecture her on knife use?).

You're right of course. I was not nasty to the poor girl, she was very pleasant and just doing her job, and I just told her that my view was it wasn't the knife that was dangerous, it's the person holding it, to which she agreed that made some sense. No doubt about being a plonker in their view though!!!:D
so what in general do the hobby Knife makers on here use in the makers market.

I would say we should make age shown on the forum compulsery But you can lie and i doubt Tony would like to take the legal responsibility for age checks but it may be worth looking at for pricing maybe, It may up the makers (knives) Subs but probably not as much if all had to do it on their own ??
i guess they already do for their own Sharps sales in the shop ( i mean Tony and BCUK shop )


Prisoners in maximum security facilities manage to arm themselves with knives. How does a government expect to stop this among a populace with unlimited time and resources with which to solve the problem? Mac


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.