Decided to take the plunge and check out the tree damage in my favourite woods by our house. It’s on a ridge and gets really windswept usually, but luckily there was only a couple of small birch and a few oak branches down as far as I could tell. So I went into the next woodland which is much bigger. Sadly there was devastation everywhere. A load of birch and sweet chestnut had fallen like dominoes. Big trees too with root system around 8ft in circumference. Large pine trees down or missing their limbs. I gave up counting after around 70.

On the way back two large ones had been taken out in the fields…

It’s always horrible seeing such magnificent trees that I’ve seen since I was a kid destroyed. But in the way home the woods had a surprise for me. Last night some morons decided to camp out by an old WW2 bunker on the edge of another woodland. I don’t think they lasted long as there was still a load of firewood left there and a tarp was in a tree along with a chair further in the field. But they left this .50 cal bottle opener. So cheers for that.


On the way back two large ones had been taken out in the fields…

It’s always horrible seeing such magnificent trees that I’ve seen since I was a kid destroyed. But in the way home the woods had a surprise for me. Last night some morons decided to camp out by an old WW2 bunker on the edge of another woodland. I don’t think they lasted long as there was still a load of firewood left there and a tarp was in a tree along with a chair further in the field. But they left this .50 cal bottle opener. So cheers for that.