My Geordie maths says there's a space or two free again now, could someone add me to the list please (posting from phone ) & I'll enter into negotiations with SWMBI once I'm sober in the morning.
My Geordie maths says there's a space or two free again now, could someone add me to the list please (posting from phone ) & I'll enter into negotiations with SWMBI once I'm sober in the morning.
I'm only coming to keep Tim, ( Bluffer ) company at night as he ****s it in the woods at night, proper Jess he is !
Might I suggest that if any body has trades / sales etc, then stick em in the car and there might be swops to be had ?
Not gonna make it this weekend been badly all last night and today.
Right now Ian not a chance. Fill the space mate and let someone else enjoy the time out.
Sorry guys looks like I'm not going to be able to make this one now .
Another space free if anyone wants to attend.