Search results

  1. norseman55731

    Mike Ameling dies

    I was lucky enough to know Mike and went on his "hunt or starves" years ago. He will be truly missed here in Iowa, and around the world.
  2. norseman55731

    Grease Lamps - from a silverware serving spoon

    Great stuff Mike! Care for an apprentice in the future?
  3. norseman55731

    Red Wing boots

    I've worn Red Wings for years. I got my first pair issued to me when i was a wilderness ranger, and I have bought an additional pair on my own.
  4. norseman55731

    Bush Hygiene

    I love your idea of powder in a zip lock for dipping your feet. Simple, but brilliant!
  5. norseman55731

    Clip-on Utility Pocket

    Thats brilliant. I didn't know I needed to make one of thus until just now...
  6. norseman55731

    Wilderness philosophers/writers

    Would Horace Kephart be out of place? I know Jim Vickery, hell of a nice guy, and a GREAT oral story teller.
  7. norseman55731


    I recently carved a spoon from a green cut hawthorn for a frind of mine. While it was green it carved beautifully. I am working on a kuksa for my wife with a cured piece now, but I think I am gonna have to scrap it and get another green piece to work on. Hawthorns are a non-native invase here...
  8. norseman55731

    Homemade paddle

    I have been mulling over the idea of carving my own canoe paddle. What kind of wood did you use?
  9. norseman55731

    Book review?

    I would highly recommend this book. The author does sometimes put a spiritual twist on things but they are limited. I wish there wasn't such a lean towards native spitiualism here in the States when people head outdoors. It seems to give us a stigma. Why can't we all be bushcrafters?
  10. norseman55731

    Finnish pine root trot line

    I have heard of using spruce rootlets, but not pine. I think I have the same book in my library. I have never made rootlet cordage, but I would imagine for added strength you would want to twist the roots into cordage. I would try it both ways and test the strength.
  11. norseman55731

    Cotton Webbing?

    Would lamp wick work, or is that too narrow?
  12. norseman55731

    Holes in shells

    Could you make a clay fly wheel for the pump drill? If you let it air dry for a day or two I thin it would be hard enough. I admire and understand you desire to keep the project as primitive as possible. I hope you find something that works, and that you will share your results!
  13. norseman55731

    Best time to harvest nettles for cordage

    Harvest the nettles after the leaves have dropped in the fall, or you can collect the dead stalks of last years growth. I collected some from last years growth an Monday and I am working on making some cordage. I'll be posting it on my blog when I get done (possibly this weekend)...
  14. norseman55731

    River or Black birch

    Has anyone ever tried River/Black birch Betula nigra bark as a fire starter?
  15. norseman55731

    Penny / Pepsi Can cooker

    Here is a site with tons of DIY alcohol stoves you may want to look at.
  16. norseman55731

    Favorite trail food recipes?

    I would like to find out what trail foods you pack for day trips, overnighters, weeklong trips, etc… I am looking for homemade recipes for the most part. C.M.A. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt
  17. norseman55731

    Hello from Iowa!

    Hello All, I live in the Loess Hills of western Iowa where I work as a Natural Resource Manager and an Outdoor Educator. I lead bushcraft courses that are generally free and always open to the public. I have found that by teaching bushcraft skills to the visitors of the parks and wildlife...