Homemade paddle

WHen i saw how much canoe paddles cost I thought I would make my own , not a great pic of the paddle, but pics of the decor I did on it , I got carried away with my old paints one night sat in the loft both are water colours which are varnished over to seal it in. paintings are supposed to be water nymphs or fairies whatever you want to call them good one side evil the other :)
hope you like em



This is one of the test paintings i did on paper
lol only problem is Matt i dont want to use it in case i scuff it on a rock , did the Mersey today and had to use one of Gregs plastic things :D coward that i am , was a great day though my first river grade 2 rapids , ask Greg what the bottom of the river is like Matt ;)


Life Member
Oh I like that, nice one John, interesting you only signed the "pretty side" tho :cool:.

Sorry I wont see you and "mother" :naughty: at the moot this year, enjoy your water trip, use the paddle, if you scuff it a bit, you can always make a new one :D


try to answer a few questions :)
The paddle is made from a solid piece of ash which started life 2" thick by 9" wide and 9ft long , the price for this wood started out at £48 I laughed at wood supplier until he came down to £28 then coughed up the money out of the piece I made one paddle which is all once piece the rest was cut up into square section some of that made the seats and hangers in my canoe and i have some long stave's left to make more paddles , need to safe up for some nice cherry and do a laminated one.
I did use the paddle before it was painted and it worked very well was nice to use but it was a tad heavy so I took it back in the workshop and thinned out the shaft and the blade, I had a couple of bad weeks with my leg and was stuck in this was when the paints came out lol
Sadly I wont be attending the moot this year , money is to tight :(
If anyone fancies making their own paddle its not that hard just takes a long time , I did 95% of mine by hand with a spoke shave the other 5% being cut out on a band saw and the use of an electric sander very rewarding though, and it does feel nicer to use than anything you can buy ,,,yes even a grey owl :)


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