Have you heard about Estonia?

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Apr 22, 2011
Tallinn, Estonia
First of all I would like to say hello to everyone on BushcraftUK, this is my first thread.

I am quite a young fellow and I have only recently discovered the wonders of bushcraft. Someone once said to me: "During your life you should focus on the things that you liked doing as a child, only that will make you happy."

Well, me and my friends used to run around in the woods playing indians and soldiers, using trees as outposts and bushes as shelters.

So about a year ago I finally figured out that pursuing the knowledge of bushcraft will bring the same warm feeling back to me. :)

Now for the thread: Saw a Czech Republic thread here and thought of posting some pictures and info about my home country - Estonia.

Estonians have always called themselves people of the forest, and this is quite true. Over 50% of our country is covered in forests and bogs.

It's quite amazing when you talk with old people, the knowledge they possess about wild edibles and animals. Foraging for mushrooms and other wild edibles in the autumn is a national pastime. Had a chat with my father recently and he said the eggs of a duck taste the best, he said to have tried every egg when he was young.

Anyway, our country isn't big, but neither is the population. We have about 1,34 million people.

What truly makes our country wonderful is the wildlife: even though our area is not that big we have one of the best preserved natural habitats in Europe for large mammals.
A newspaper article about 1 week ago had some numbers:
- Over 35000 roe deer
- Over 22000 wild boar
- Nearly 17000 beavers
- Over 12000 moose
- Nearly 3300 red deer
- Over 2000 lynx
- Nearly 900 brown bears
- Nearly 800 wolves

And these are just the big mammals. Unfortunately due to the harsh winters the populations of roe deer have gone down greatly, there used to be over 100000 of them.

The sheer number of animals means that there's almost always a possibility of spotting one when out and about. I live about 20km away from the center of the capital, yet there are thick woods and large bogs around my village. On Tuesday I was waiting for a bus and two young moose came running over the road about 100m from me. Truly amazing.

Now for some pictures of the State Forest Management Center:







Anyways, thanks for reading! I suggest everyone to come and visit if this sounds even remotely interesting. Our country is amazing. Travelling here and staying here is cheap, the people are friendly and best of all - we have the principle of everyman's right, similar to Scandinavian countries. You can go where you want, pick wild edibles and make a fire.

For those who are interested: http://www.maaturism.ee/index.php?lang=en

Anyways, thanks again. This is truly a wonderful forum and I hope to gain a lot of new knowledge here.

Best regards,

Hi Jaan & welcome to this Forum. Estonia sounds like a naturalist's paradise.......As for your English, your grasp of the language seems better than ours.
You may wish to learn a few things from BCUK, but I have a feeling we have much more to learn from you.....
Hi Jaan :)

Fantastic first post, welcome to BCUK. Estonia looks fantastic (apart from the bear :) ).

I'd love to visit some time, thanks for the great pics.
Tere tulemast foorumile!

It's quite amazing when you talk with old people, the knowledge they possess about wild edibles and animals. Foraging for mushrooms and other wild edibles in the autumn is a national pastime.

There has been talks about the introduction of Echinococcus multilocularis tapeworm to Sweden during the last year. I know the same species can be also find from Estonia. Do you dare to eat wild berries straight from the nature or do you usually boil the berries before consumption?

What truly makes our country wonderful is the wildlife: even though our area is not that big we have one of the best preserved natural habitats in Europe for large mammals.
A newspaper article about 1 week ago had some numbers:
- Over 35000 roe deer
- Over 22000 wild boar
- Nearly 17000 beavers
- Over 12000 moose
- Nearly 3300 red deer
- Over 2000 lynx
- Nearly 900 brown bears
- Nearly 800 wolves

I do not know the Estonian nature very well, but I still find these numbers hard to believe as the ratio between apex predators and their preys is much higher than, for example, in Finland. I found several newsarticles that state there was "around 400-700" (e.g.http://www.parnupostimees.ee/?id=407078) brown bears living in Estonia during as of early 2011. For comparison, according to the latest count (in 2009) there was around 1200 bears in Finland. Same goes for lynx; sources suggest there was around 1000 lynxes few years ago. The most hard thing for me to believe is that there would be six times more wolfs in Estonia than in whole Finland!

However if you have links to official countings, I would very happy to correct my statement!
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

For those of you thinking of visiting, you are more than welcome to contact me for any further information about our country or what to see/do.

I haven't heard about the said tapeworm in Estonia. I guess most people eat wild berries straight from the nature. We process them too for preservation during the winter, but eating wild is very common.

I said the animal numbers were from a newspaper, the article is about a recent animal count and some of the numbers are probably WAY off, should have clarified that. :) These are definitely not official numbers. After some research I found the number of wolves is more likely around 100-200 animals. Roe deer, moose, red deer, beaver and boar numbers are probably right, but lynx and brown bear seem a bit high too.
Welcome to the forum Jaan. Your part of the word sounds very nice, and a place I would like to visit one day.
Hello and welcome to the forum Jaan. As others have said you live in a great looking country, one I may add I have never thought of to visit but your post has made me think again, especially since you seem to have similar camping laws as my own Bonnie Scotland. Thank you for a very interesting first thread.


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