I've been looking at a lot of the amazing leatherwork done by forum members, and fancied trying something myself, so here it is, my odds-and-sods pouch:

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The skin is actually camel hide which I got from the Barrhead Leather Company on the southside of Glasgow - it only cost £10 for a huge skin but, in truth, it's probably a wee bit thick (about 2.5mm) for a pouch - I had trouble marking it for stitching because my awl hasn't arrived through the post yet what with all the snow.
I used linen for the stitching and would have waxed the linen with beeswax - but that's in the same parcel as my awl!
The drawstrings is made from three pieces of leather thong braided after a short soaking, so it should tighten up nicely and then I'll oil or wax it, as it's a bit stiff.
I really enjoyed making the pouch, which I'll use for fishing/camping, but my fingers are sore as heck - what a wuss!
Be glad to hear any comments/criticisms/tips.

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The skin is actually camel hide which I got from the Barrhead Leather Company on the southside of Glasgow - it only cost £10 for a huge skin but, in truth, it's probably a wee bit thick (about 2.5mm) for a pouch - I had trouble marking it for stitching because my awl hasn't arrived through the post yet what with all the snow.
I used linen for the stitching and would have waxed the linen with beeswax - but that's in the same parcel as my awl!
The drawstrings is made from three pieces of leather thong braided after a short soaking, so it should tighten up nicely and then I'll oil or wax it, as it's a bit stiff.
I really enjoyed making the pouch, which I'll use for fishing/camping, but my fingers are sore as heck - what a wuss!
Be glad to hear any comments/criticisms/tips.