There is a thief amongst us !!

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Full Member
Jan 2, 2004
Manchester UK
I have just got home from the Middlewood meet and had a most excellent time....Apart from one thing. As many of you know Mark aka "Lurch" from Lakeland Bushcraft Trading takes time out from his weekend with his new family to come down and set up shop in his Lavuu so all us green clad folks can peruse his wares, try them out and purchase what we need without messing about with websites, postage etc. Mark has done this for a few years now and yesterday I was shocked and dismayed to learn that someone thought it was their right to take one of the knives from his display without paying for it. I think this is selfish, dispicable and downright low !! This is Marks LIVING!! You're not just taking something from him, but from his wife and new baby !! I don't know if the thief will read this or not, but if you are take a deep look inside, and if you find a glimmer of decency and righteousness perhaps you should pack the knife up again and send it back to
Lakeland Bushcraft Trading Limited
Unit 2A Derwent Mills Commercial Park
Cockermouth Cumbria CA13 0HT.

It's in your hands. Do you step up and be a decent person? or do you remain a thieving scumbag.

Remember.... What goes around comes around !!

I'm sorry if this is a bit of a rant , but to be honest i'm bloody furious... I HATE stealing !!
That's so sad that someone could stoop so low as to steal from Mark. :(

Sadly if they're willing to do it I don't think they'll have any remorse and they'll keep the knife
Worse than stealing from a decent chap,also now everyone who was there is now suspect.We all know some people who were there and know tthat they'd never do this .But someone did and now the whole meeting is suspect.
There's scum everywhere isn't there.
Wow that`s awful to hear about! Hope the knife is returned, Lakeland bushcraft is a excellent trader with exceptional service too. It`s very sad to hear that happening from under our noses, to a very decent person too!
I thought you were going to say Lurch stole all of your money and replaced it with new shiney toys!

Poor show,, Its a sad state but i am sure he would just like the knife back so if your reading this just get it back in the post and let this orrible situation pass, you dont have to even identify yer self just do the right thing.....
Sadly , This sort of thing doesn't shock or surprise me any more.
I'm going to assume that without doubt something has proved to be stolen? Ie Inventory in , Inventory Out.

Real shame , I don't Know Mark on a personal basis , but what I've seen from the Items he has offered for Competition prizes and lightly damaged items for discounted prices , he seems a good sort and its a pity someone had to abuse his charity in this way.
Was it just guy's off this site attending? and all other avenue's exhausted? if yes to both its a damn sad day,as has been mentioned all there now come under suspicion for the actions of one bad apple.
I'm not one for bleeding heart liberal excuses- a few blokes in the mob ended up with broken hands from thieving. The BC community is supposed to be close, a trusted environment where kit could be left under your tarp whilst you play without fear of theft. That now appears to have been destroyed, at least for those that attended that meet or for others where the people attending that meet may attend other meets! It seeds distrust and discontent and I can only hope the to$$er that stole the knife has a change of heart, so that some faith can be restored. If I catch someone stealing they will remember it forever.
Yet another reason i won't attend big meets, you will always get thieving buggers who do indeed need their fingers readjusted.

I wouldn't say always Nat.

In 3 years of going to meets and reading on the forum about other meets throughout the country I think this is only the second or third time something has been stolen so it's a pretty rare occurance
... now everyone who was there is now suspect.

Not least newcomers such as me. I sincerely hope the person in question returns the goods to Mark and removes the shadow of suspicion from the rest of us.

That aside I had an excellent time at Middlewood over the weekend and met a lot of people I only knew from these pages. I'd especially like to thank Mark for bringing the Opinel 'butter knife' I asked for, Tetley & Flumf for graciously lending me a spork for he duration, and last but not least, Simon for pulling it al together.
Looking forward to the next one.
Great shame, especially if it is someone on the forum. Speaking for myself, I find large gatherings like moots quite intimidating which is why I have almost but not quite been to any. Just when I think it would be great to get stuck into a gathering, this sort of tale puts me right off again :(
Great shame, especially if it is someone on the forum. Speaking for myself, I find large gatherings like moots quite intimidating which is why I have almost but not quite been to any. Just when I think it would be great to get stuck into a gathering, this sort of tale puts me right off again :(
Dont let that put u off mate, it's great ti get oot ti these meets and have a bit of banter , they r brilliant weekends
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Lets not get this out of proportion.

How many were at this meet? did they all steal something? or half of them? or ten percent?

How many meets and how many people have attended those meets over the last few years? Have we ever felt the need of a thread saying "great news 100 strangers meet and no one steals anything". No? Why not? because that is normal.

I sincerely believe that the vast majority of people are good and the danger of a thread like this, as with the sort of fearmongering that goes on in the media, is that it sows seeds of doubt in peoples minds. The fear of theft is far more damaging than the theft itself, it's a few quid at trade price I would rather chip in for a replacement than see some crazed witch hunt.
I am still owed money from a trade at the last Midlands Meet when I trusted a (newish)site member with goods without taking cash at the time. I have repeatedly PMed him but got no reply.
I have warned others who were up for a trade with this person over the site.
I will supply the name of the individual to anyone who is concerned.
I hate thievery of any sort and am relieved that it is so rare at meets.
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