The Theory behind these events.

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Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
Ok I'll try explain it best i can.

There is only one force in the universe that matters, that is centrifugal force, which everything throws out. There are only 2 directions that matter ( inwards and outwards) and 3 defining principles

1 Force( Centrifugal Force, CF outwards spin).
2 Directions
3 Principles, Equal force, equal and opposing force (or just opposing) and not equal force. No such thing as opposite. Just not equal. Hot and cold are not opposites they are not equals. What is the opposite of a dog i was once asked , no dog as it is not equal therefore does not matter. What is the opposing force to a dog, a female dog, as hot is an opposing force to cold.

They are the fundamental principles to everything that matters.

Next comes the effects of those 3 principles.
1+1=2=1 The one thing that all things natural abides to.

1 represents CF the + the point of impact between 2 opposing CF's

It works like this, in human terms first. 1+1 represents 2 equal and opposing forces, in this case, human male and human female. The + represents the womb as this is the point of impact between the forces which in this case are sperm an egg. these 2 forces combine and for a time the 1 created is both together. Then a baby is born which is the =1. 1+1=2=1.

What happens is when 2 equal and opposing forces meet, at the immediate POI something was created that wasnt there before. In the case above a baby. Another example is to clap your hands, 2 E&O forces meet and at the POI pressure and sound are created where before there was no pressure and sound. When 2 rivers meet they form a whirl pool and sound. Because at the point of impact immediately at collision there was no sound and all water, so it created sound, and no water. Pressure building up behind causes the vortex and the water can not occupy the space where no water was created the 2 meet and a new direction is created (=1)

The next step is 12345.
1 is movement
2 is pressure
3 is sound
4 is Light
5 is fusion and the birth of new CF

So when moment meets movement, pressure is created.
When pressure and movement meet pressure and movement, sound is created.
When sound P&M meet sound P&M light is created.
When light sound pressure and movement meet light sound pressure and movement. Fusion and CF is created.

This is basically what happens at the conception of everything, be it an atom, cell, human baby, planet, etc are formed. We say sperm and egg, but it is just 2 opposing forces colliding.


1 left eye + 1 right eye = 2 parts =1 system.
L, arm + R arm = 2 parts = i full set
liver + kidneys = 2 parts = one filtration system
1 lung + 1 lung = 2 parts = 1 set of lungs.
Sperm + Egg = 2 parts = 1 reproductive system
1CF+1CF = 2CF= 1CF

So how does this apply to the Riddle,
Albert and Niels (two ghosts) were hanging out in the woods late one night, waiting to scare some campers. The campers had yet to settle down into their immobility bags for the evening, so Albert challenges Niels to a "clever words" contest.

"Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions", says Albert.

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth", Niels replies.

Albert continues, "Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts".

Niels rolls his eyes, "There are some things so serious you have to laugh at them".

"Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted", says Albert.

"Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future", counters Niels.

"Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves."

"Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real."

Albert gets a little scrunch-faced at that beacuse he knows were Niels is going and says, "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. "

"Every sentence I utter must be understood not as an affirmation, but as a question", says Niels, "Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it."

"God always takes the simplest way, He may be subtle, but He isn't plain mean and he does not play dice."

"If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet." Now Niels is getting a little annoyed too. "No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical."

"Common sense is the collection of prejudices aquired by age eighteen", Albert says. "Look, we've scared the campers senseless and we didn't even say 'Boo!', what do you think about that?"

"Pantywaste", the ghost of Granny Gatewood chimes in, "Y'all a bunch of pantywaste."


Albert and Neils are A n, Alpha and omega 2 opposing forces, ghosts as is you cant see them as such.

they collide with movement and pressure and sound is created ( they talk) Niels "rolls his eyes) indicates the forces are rolling together, wrapping around each other creating Axn

Albert gets "scrunched faced" as they are creating yet more pressure and sound between them, this is evidenced, by one saying some thing, then there being 2 more sayings not atrributed to either then the other says something this would be the =2 It says they are both getting annoyed, the pressure is building. Sound movement and pressure Then Albert comes in and says "LOOK", the first time anything like it has been mentioned Thus light was created by sound pressure and movement colliding with its equal.

The granny gatewood chimes in. Something that wasnt there before and an opposing force (female to their male) to what was at the point of impact.


apply that everything you like and it wont break, gravity does not exist, just CF and the pressure it creates.

How does this apply to the volcano and meteor type thing. Sound and pressure came from the volcano, 24 hours later it collided with itself and sound pressure and movement met sound pressure and movement, light was created. 24 hours later when LSPM meets LSPM were gonna get a visit from granny gatewood. Iceland, mid us, Central pacific. Unles it forms a triangle as it generally seems to, (it is a womb after all as new force will be created that wasnt there before) then its either middle of the atlantic or far side of canada

There is tons more i have figured out through it too.
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Go to the doctor Bill, IMMEDIATELY

Can you remember the bit in War of the Worlds were the Journalist meets up again with the Young Artillery Man, I think I have just been there.

So what you are saying then is that the recent activity will cause a seismic reaction in the Pacific?

I struggled with the lungs bit to be honest Bill

Could we expect an Earthquake in the central pacific followed by a Tsunami? Is that your prediction?
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Go to the doctor Bill, IMMEDIATELY

You just dont understand it mate. Nothing mad about it. Try apply it to something and see.

Did you never see a thunder storm? movement and pressure meeting movement and pressure, creating sound, creating light?
There is only one force in the universe that matters, that is centrifugal force, which everything throws out.

Oh, so wrong... You fail physics forever. Newton is spinning in his grave. Centrifugal force isn't even a real force - it's simply the result of Newton's First Law in combination with a centripetal force. (And yes, I do know about this...)

Everything that follows this absurd statement is just word salad. If you want me to take it seriously, show how this "theory" can be used to derive any useful result from physics - Newton's Law of Gravitation, General or Special Relativity, Boyle's Law, the Carnot Equation, whatever. Please use actual maths.
Interesting... Something to ponder anyway!

My theory... Is that everything is fractals :) The earthquake vibrations weaken the structure and volcanoes go off which releases the pressure... and so on and so on... fractals :D
Oh, so wrong... You fail physics forever. Newton is spinning in his grave. Centrifugal force isn't even a real force - it's simply the result of Newton's First Law in combination with a centripetal force. (And yes, I do know about this...)

Everything that follows this absurd statement is just word salad. If you want me to take it seriously, show how this "theory" can be used to derive any useful result from physics - Newton's Law of Gravitation, General or Special Relativity, Boyle's Law, the Carnot Equation, whatever. Please use actual maths.

Not so Greg, all centripetal forces are, are the forces that press inwards. Which are the result of 2 seperate forces colliding and building pressure up behind the point of impact. If you are in the middle then you could call it CP force, but in reality it is 1CF + 1CF =2CP In which movement pressure light and sound are created, then fusion happens under pressure and CF force begins to push against the 2 incoming CF forces.

Theories before were based on smaller scale understandings and apply to us here. But thats why they cant find the Unifying theory, because it doesnt just apply to here alone. From earth you have what appears to gravity, take a distant over head view though and you will see conflict and inpact of CF forces.
No mate. What i say above, if you try apply it works for everything. Try and break it, if you can. Prove it wrong, dont just say its wrong and use your thinking not someone elses.:)
I must admit that I am struggling with your interpretation of the laws of physics Bill, it made not a scrap of sense to me or even parried up to anything I have been taught

All things create a centrifugal force? don't they have to be spinning first.

I wonder what all the fuss is about with this volcano, as there are hundreds bubbling away under the sea all the time. Suddenly one pops up that we can see, and its doomsday.
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I must admit that I am struggling with your interpretation of the laws of Physics Bill, it made not a scrap of sense to me or even parried up to anything I have been taught


Oh, that'll be because everything you've ever been taught is wrong. All those guys who invented stuff that actually works were wrong. HillBill is the only person who understands anything. Physics is a sham, and your computer only works by accident.
Everything does spin mate. Thats the point, you get a few rocks mooching about in space that dont spin but help other things spin.

I must admit that I am struggling with your interpretation of the laws of physics Bill, it made not a scrap of sense to me or even parried up to anything I have been taught

All things create a centrifugal force? don't they have to be spinning first.

I wonder what all the fuss is about with this volcano, as there are hundreds bubbling away under the sea all the time. Suddenly one pops up that we can see, and its doomsday.
Oh, that'll be because everything you've ever been taught is wrong. All those guys who invented stuff that actually works were wrong. HillBill is the only person who understands anything. Physics is a sham, and your computer only works by accident.

This theory only eliminates Gravity and opposites, Some stuff is not really wrong, just looked at wrong, from inside rather than out. And if everyone was right, why can they not find a theory to link them all then?
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