If you find yourself near people and you look like you've slept in a ditch then you may attract the wrong kind of attention. In the UK attracting the wrong kind of attention can land you in a police cell.
Keep your self clean, shave frequently, a large sized, hard bristled toothbrush shorn of its handle makes an ideal nail brush, useful for cleaning ground in dirt on your hands and scrubbing shirt collars etc. For my travels I made a ridiculously small wash kit sized to fit into a conventional soap dish.
Rohan produce a polo shirt that dries in an hour, weighs little and quickly loses any creases after unpacking, ideal for 'civilizing' yourself before popping into the village for supplies.
People will steal your stuff, if you carry things that you constantly worry about losing you'll live in a constant state of paranoia. So use a coffee can stove rather than a titanium one, carry a mora rather than a woodlore etc.
I met a Ugandan man in southern Spain, he was making his way to France where his son worked, he carried his 'kit' in the pockets of (or was rolled into) an old tweed jacket. When he set out each day he'd fold in the sleeves and roll up the jacket into a rough cylinder, tied it shut with string and hung it under his arm like a bedroll, no fancy nylon pouches or organizers needed.
Do you know any 'important' people, your MP, local magistrate, university professor etc. Ask them to prepare a letter of introduction, explaining what you are about and that your not a 'bad lad'.
It can help.