If someone knows how to turn my avatar up the other way please do so.
You mean like this?

If someone knows how to turn my avatar up the other way please do so.
Yes please.
LOL Tis a simple thing to do.
Just right click on your avatar, select save picture then edit it in some photo editing suite then upload it to photobucket, or do it on photo bucket then save. You can then use it as a custom avatar.
Easie peasey as they say![]()
Sorry to appear thick but I can't see any difference looking at the reversed (vertically) flags in Steve27752's post! The diagonals are still laid out the same (i.e. top right one has red above white).
Am I missing something really obvious here?! Or just having a light yellow head covering moment!
forgive my ignorance, is it just being flown from the wrong side? if it where flown from right to left wouldn't it be the right way round!
just tell me to shut up if i'm wrong.![]()
I belive there is a strong sense of associating national pride with nationlist views, which are quite seperate. One is being proud of your country, the other is not liking anyone elses.
On a trip to Scotland recently I stood on the border and noted that St Andrew`s Cross was flying next to the flag of Northumberland. I had to question myself as to why St George`s Cross was not flying there as a National boundary overshadows a county boundary.
I feel that the continued assosciation of the Union Flag (Jack only at sea) and St George Cross with nationalist feelings will only subside when people start to embrase them again and not feel guitly about being proud of where you live. Scotland and Wales (never been to Ireland) have many flags flying and it is wonderful to see. In the US, it is great to see their flag flying at events and important buidlings. The same with many many countries in Europe and around the world, they are there at events and important places and you can see people are proud of them.
A national identiy is not a nationalist idenity.
Couldn't agree more, the powers that be should remove the british thing from the forms as well, i am sure that if you are scottish or welsh you dont put british, so we should have English there to.
Well, they should as they are British. Scottish isn't a nationality, is it? Nor is being Welsh, Irish or English.
that may be true mate, but i have on many occasions heard our highland friends tell someone they are scottish and not british, i dont no the facts but why do we call the countries by their name if they dont exist as a nationality? not being sarcastic just intrigued.