Cegga / BR Axes - 5th (and possibly final) Group Buy

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
In readiness for the 6th and 'final' GB.

Please put me down for one of these with a conventional convex axe-grind on it. I'm not sure a thin profile like this would stand up to my 'technique', or lack of it.
Sadly shep, we made a decision early on to take no orders or deposits etc. on axes. Cegga makes some around his main work when time permits and when he feels like it. When a batch is ready we offer them as "first come first served". That way no-one is left waiting for an axe that may never materialise and Cegga isn't left with an order he may never have time to fulfil. It keeps the whole thing fair and stress free - think of it like a bargain stall - if you get a bargain, great. If not no-one is any worse off

Sadly shep, we made a decision early on to take no orders or deposits etc. on axes. Cegga makes some around his main work when time permits and when he feels like it. When a batch is ready we offer them as "first come first served". That way no-one is left waiting for an axe that may never materialise and Cegga isn't left with an order he may never have time to fulfil. It keeps the whole thing fair and stress free - think of it like a bargain stall - if you get a bargain, great. If not no-one is any worse off


No sweat, I'll just keep my eyes peeled:puppy_dog
BR you mentioned that this batch has got a slim profile. Could you explain to a novice please 1. How great a difference is there between the slim profile and the original Red Hunters profile. 2. Why the decision to change. 3. What this will mean to an amateur axeman that has just purchased such a quality piece of workmanship (me).
Heath - the slimmer the profile, the easier a cutting stroke (cross grain). The broader the profile, the tougher the cutting edge. Its the difference between a maul and felling axe. This one is simmer than the original batch (which many found too broad) but broader than the last batch (which was scary fine). Should be a good a rounder

sounds good to me, as my other axe in the same league is a rosseli, it will be nice to have something with a thinner profile.
Same league as a Roselli????????????????????? A factory made axe:cussing:

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

A handmade, single craftsmen custom forged.......:(


Philistines - why do I bother:rolleyes:




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