It appears the Met Office have been caught out faking climate data and the data that isn't fake is exceptionally innacurate.
The very TLDR version is that the Met Office base their “Climate Averages” on a network of 302 reporting sites across the UK. Many of these sites are poorly located eg by a runway, by an electricity sub-station, in a walled garden. Perhaps more worrying is that 103 of the 302 reporting sites don’t exist - there is no reported climate data from readings taken at these sites, only data derived by somehow interpolating (“kriging”) from other adjacent locations.
Over a third of Met Office temperature stations may be wrong by from 2°C Up to 5°C
A FOIA request to the Met Office addressed their UK weather stations' quality, asking for the individual class rating on each as defined by the World Meteorological Office. Such CIMO ratings range from the highest quality / lowest error Class 1 then on up to Class 3 with 1 deg C, class 4 @ 2 deg C error and ‘junk’ class 5 with a margin of error as large as 5 deg C.
29.2% Met Office temperature stations have an international junk rating with a margin of error 5°C
8.7% of the stations had a margin of error 2°C
The writer concludes:
“I have clearly demonstrated with hard evidence that:
The Met Office is regularly fabricating data.
It is not producing reliable nor accurate data for climate reporting purposes from a network of poorly sited and inadequately maintained locations..
It is not meeting internationally recognised standards which it was itself party to establishing.
It has, over time, contributed to historic selection of unrepresentative data produced.
It is operating in a secretive, covert way and to its own regulation without independent oversight.
It is failing to meet high standards of scientific integrity.
It marks its own homework.
I feel it warrants independent review to:
Establish a high quality series of sites solely designed for climate reporting purposes. These should be independently overseen to ensure continued integrity of data.
An independent working group should re-analyse historic data to re-compile a historic record from only high quality sites that have been identified as not being compromised by extraneous heat sources.
An open declaration of likely inaccuracy of existing published data to avoid other institutions and researchers using unreliable data and reaching erroneous conclusions.
Science Shock: U.K. Met Office is "Inventing" Temperature Data from 100 Non-Existent Stations – The Daily Sceptic
Shocking evidence has emerged that points to the U.K. Met Office inventing temperature data from over 100 non-existent weather stations. One such 'ghost' station, Dungeness, closed in 1986 but still reports "observations".

Letter to Peter Kyle MP – Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology.
On the 19th July 2024, following correct protocol, I emailed my constituency MP, Rosie Duffield, asking her to forward a report I had produced onto Peter Kyle MP (above) in his capacity of Secretar…

The very TLDR version is that the Met Office base their “Climate Averages” on a network of 302 reporting sites across the UK. Many of these sites are poorly located eg by a runway, by an electricity sub-station, in a walled garden. Perhaps more worrying is that 103 of the 302 reporting sites don’t exist - there is no reported climate data from readings taken at these sites, only data derived by somehow interpolating (“kriging”) from other adjacent locations.
Over a third of Met Office temperature stations may be wrong by from 2°C Up to 5°C
A FOIA request to the Met Office addressed their UK weather stations' quality, asking for the individual class rating on each as defined by the World Meteorological Office. Such CIMO ratings range from the highest quality / lowest error Class 1 then on up to Class 3 with 1 deg C, class 4 @ 2 deg C error and ‘junk’ class 5 with a margin of error as large as 5 deg C.
29.2% Met Office temperature stations have an international junk rating with a margin of error 5°C
8.7% of the stations had a margin of error 2°C
The writer concludes:
“I have clearly demonstrated with hard evidence that:
The Met Office is regularly fabricating data.
It is not producing reliable nor accurate data for climate reporting purposes from a network of poorly sited and inadequately maintained locations..
It is not meeting internationally recognised standards which it was itself party to establishing.
It has, over time, contributed to historic selection of unrepresentative data produced.
It is operating in a secretive, covert way and to its own regulation without independent oversight.
It is failing to meet high standards of scientific integrity.
It marks its own homework.
I feel it warrants independent review to:
Establish a high quality series of sites solely designed for climate reporting purposes. These should be independently overseen to ensure continued integrity of data.
An independent working group should re-analyse historic data to re-compile a historic record from only high quality sites that have been identified as not being compromised by extraneous heat sources.
An open declaration of likely inaccuracy of existing published data to avoid other institutions and researchers using unreliable data and reaching erroneous conclusions.