Spends Bear Grylls survival school


May 27, 2011
Couldn't be bothered checking the Ts & Cs but when I first looked when the first came out, they were arount that price...

...and he wasn't teaching them.


Jul 24, 2008
On the plus side, on completion you do receive the 'coveted bear grylls survival academy badge and certificate'. :p

And worryingly... people will pay that!


Oh but you do get a badge, though for anyone who pays a kings ransom to anybody at all to go hungry, go without sleep, be uncomfortable and to quote ‘it may hurt a little’, I would have designed it more like this instead


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
That's his shame you are seeing it's all over his face , lets face it he will put his on any old tat for the right price, i had a good read of the site and the classes are not even run by Bear, at least when you spend a couple of grand to go on one of Rays he is actually there, i can see it now at the start of each class i bet they play a welcome video with Bear in it and others throughout the event and the people hosting hold those staged conversations with the pre recorded video's of Bear talking "This is how you sharpen a knife on a rock, what do you think bear?" Guy presses play on the video and bear hoys in his 2 cents.

Maybe i am cynical, maybe

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oh Lordy,! I'm at a funny age you know!!:rofl:

I suppose there is the bonus that (hopefully),if you're stupid enough to fall for it all, You only have to tolerate his "handpicked team, of highly trained experts":dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer:

ps: Wait a bit! it says that if the weathers right (on Dartmoor) you get a helicopter ride!!!!
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Thats good money for Mr Grylls. And very, very good money for Mr Mears.

Let me see??:-

"One week down our local Matwatsumpan river, camping along the way, building traditional 'indian' shelters, bit of catching animals (we'll let them go), learning to canoe and observe wildlife with genuine local native Cree guides. campcraft, bushcraft and more."

Ten people at $5000 each???????? I could retire for a long time for that kind of money. Shame I'm not any good at running that sort of business.:)

Anyway who are these two? :rolleyes:


While i agree that these courses are way overly priced, I think you should think on the reasons why Bear and other VIPs can ask for such prices: people are willing to pay for them.

I believe this happens for various reasons:
- Tons and tons of people dream of abandoning the 9-5 drag, but are usually scared of really doing it and would rather pay for doing it for a set, safe amount of time
- Learning things they're only marginally interested in is a drag for most people; they would rather pay someone to teach them the really important things rather than investing their time into teaching themselves all the basis and then grow up on those (teaching is the third oldest job in the history of mankind exactly for this reason)
- There is some sort of social recognition in spending time with VIPs rather than other common mortals with the same knowledge, and people are willing to invest more money for that privilege (as long as they can also take some proof with them in the form of autograph or, lately, selfies)
- By becoming a VIP (by writing books, having tv shows, creating and promoting content to a wide audience) you also gain the privilege of asking a hefty fine to people willing to spend time with you, to the point that your customers will be happy to spend this time even with your subordinates or gear you promote
- Most survival VIPs have been spending a long time in the field and usually have proof of this, that's how an "academy" or any kind of credentials (product branding is a credential too) created by them
- Marginally, big companies use such courses to shave on taxes as team therapy and bond-making activities - at least where i live - and the more these courses cost the better it is

I hope the language differences between me and you (assuming english is the mother tongue of most readers) don't make the following words sound harsher than i'd like them to: if you're knowledgeable enough in this field, and you are shocked about how much money Bear Grylls, Ray meyers or other VIPs ask for courses you'd be able to run, the joke is on you.
I believe there are three ways out of this:
- you can learn from this, set up a business (writing books, shooting videos, creating all sorts of content and gear for people learning bushcraft) and start asking for money (an amount that will become increasingly bigger, hopefully similar to the prices asked by Bear & co.). Mind you, the bushcraft business is steadly increasing (proof being, for example, the increasing amount of survival shows on television) and the market is VERY profitable
- you can spread knowledge for free, destroying this ludicrous system by creating free content and spreading knowledge to everyone (for example schools or people in need of a way out of huge obstacles in their life)
- you can continue complaining like this the stereotypical old folks discussing about the ridiculous price of bread these days

Best of luck in any case!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.