do you ever find handbags and stuff?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
We find quite a few bits and pieces when out doing patrols. It's amazing what people drop or leave behind... We have a pile of those trekking poles in the office. If we can get stuff back to people we do try, things like mobiles or wallets etc. most folk have pins on phones now so the best we can do is try to keep them juiced up in case they ring. I've been lucky so far in that I've not found suicides or serious accidents. One of fellas I work with collected a false leg of a beach patrol once. Next day he found another one washed up..... Made us wonder. Called police but didn't hear anything back about it

One if reasons I love this forum is the folk in it and looking at all these stories it's obvious most of use are decent folk.

Group hug anyone?



Full Member
Apr 12, 2013
While doing a Motorway Bridge inspection, I found a large (about 1lb) plastic ziploc bag of whiteish powder, rang the law, and was told to tip it down the nearest culvert, *** !

Rev G

I bought a Bergen from a car boot sale just before Christmas for a fiver. Got it home and found a large bag of white powder inside the top pocket.
I'd seen Miami Vice so I wet my pinky, dipped it in and tentatively touched my tongue to it.
i was then overcome with the urge to go bouldering. :)


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
This bloomin thread! I was having a bimble around Bradley Pond, the other day and saw a bag in the hedge, it had obviously been there ages, but i left it, then this comes along! So yesterday i just had to go back, retrieve it from the hedge, bramble scratches all up my arms! The pics are the result, the strange thing was it was also littered with triplex glass!

Anyway, the first pic is no good as i was guessing with the camera, it was a full baby changing kit, but alas no form of I.D.

So i re packed it, cos all my kids are grown up! And hung it on the fishing gate, highly unlikely that the bag will be reunited with it's owner, you can tell it had been there ages,as everything was sodden and mice etc had eaten a lot of the bag.

Just joining in with the thread folks.


bag 001.jpgbag 002.jpgbag 003.jpg


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
The pics are the result, the strange thing was it was also littered with triplex glass!

View attachment 17303View attachment 17304View attachment 17305

I think the fact that there was car window glass and it had then been dumped would go towards it being nicked out of a car before the scumbags realised it was babychanging gear and of no resale value.
I was very disapointed that the cops wouldn't let me give the guy who tanned my car in Glasgow back his brick. They said it would break some law :rolleyes:


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
A perhaps not quite such a good samaritan addition, i worked on the Moor for 6 years,and past our back gate was the main footpath to the open Moor, i found the following.

A petzl head torch (driven over)
An mp3 player (working, but with awful music on it)
A pair of police sunglasses (daughter snaffled)
Countless single gloves (ranging from the very cheap to the very expensive)
A ladies scarf (M&S)
A dumped christmas tree (more effort to drag it up there, than take it to recycling)
A complete tractor exhaust (don't know why, but took it home,blooming heavy)

But the best find was, a pair of brasher boots, nicely broken in, in my size, some poor chap had put them on the roof of his car, to change into his driving shoes, driven off, and they had lande in the lane about 2 feet apart (ha ha 2 feet apart, get it?)
Anyway, just as the guilt was subsiding and after wearing them out a bit, the bloke came back posted a note on the "No Parking sign" With his phone number on, i battled with my conscience, for 2 whole days! Then rang him, he came up that day, prized the boots from me and gave me a £20 note.

So if anyone has a pair of brashers size 10 for £20, please pm me.




Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Nice detective work there, Goatboy. Had not thought of that, it was close enough to the road, on a bend, to have been launched from a vehicle at speed, to have landed there.

I will revisit the crime scene today, cordon the whole area off, get forensics in, file a report and get back to you Sarge.

Nice one mate.



Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Around here in the summer we find the remains of 'camps' where local youngsters have had a party. So, bits ofs £7.99 dome tents and cans of Wife Beater cider are quite common. I've found two Camping Gaz stoves and several cheap frying pans too.

My lad worked for a local bus company for a time and he was supprised at the amount of mobile phones left on buses and also how few people contacted the company to see if the phone had been found.


Sep 6, 2010
It is truly awful that so many ungrateful swines didn't have the decency to say thank you.

I left my wallet on a train once and the memory of how I felt when I realised will never leave me. If somebody had picked it up and then got in touch with me to return it I would have been their friend for life!


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
Years ago found a ladies purse in the middle of the road, full of cash. Handed it in to the police, and it was reunited with its owner, a pensioner who had dropped it after collecting her pension, within an hour. She was very grateful.

Also had the opposite. Drove off in a country lane with my wallet on the roof of the car. Very surprised to get it back a few days later (after I cancelled all my cards of course). Apparently it was found by on off-duty police officer. I asked at the station when it was returned if that was why it came back without the two tenners that had been in it. The officer on duty said "Probably, It also explains why the paperwork for the find hasn't been filled in".


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Nice detective work there, Goatboy. Had not thought of that, it was close enough to the road, on a bend, to have been launched from a vehicle at speed, to have landed there.

I will revisit the crime scene today, cordon the whole area off, get forensics in, file a report and get back to you Sarge.

Nice one mate.





Mar 20, 2013
I found a completely rusted car in my local woods no idea how it got there I will post a picture next time I go there and find it. very confusing how it got down a small foot path


Ex member
Jul 28, 2011
Brilliant! you found grills in spades! I have a funny feeling this thread will run, i can't wait to get out there and photograph all the rubbish i would normally ignore, and maybe some more interesting items along the way.

No cheating or planting guys!



Aug 19, 2007
Bradford, UK
When out patrolling with the ranger service we often find litter dumps. Often drug growing paraphernalia and sometimes what appears to be a house clearance. A few times we've found enough to identify the dumper and pad on the details to the appropriate department. Occasionally it ends in a fine too!

Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 2


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
A friend of mine who was a British Army sniper now puts his skills to use working for the council setting up stealth cams to catch dumpers as part of duties as an environmental enforcement officer. He loves it. And has a few stories to tell.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
A friend of mine who was a British Army sniper now puts his skills to use working for the council setting up stealth cams to catch dumpers as part of duties as an environmental enforcement officer. He loves it. And has a few stories to tell.

Now that is refreshing to read! goodjob

Nothing chaps me off than the thought of some pikey type fly-tipping a load of old tyres or crap he can't be bothered to take to the tip getting away scot free. Hopefully the fine is a nice hefty 3 figure number... well I can live and dream. I bet 90% of fly tippers get away with it, Pikey's especially. Sorry for the thread hi-jack.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Now that is refreshing to read! goodjob

Nothing chaps me off than the thought of some pikey type fly-tipping a load of old tyres or crap he can't be bothered to take to the tip getting away scot free. Hopefully the fine is a nice hefty 3 figure number... well I can live and dream. I bet 90% of fly tippers get away with it, Pikey's especially. Sorry for the thread hi-jack.

Unfortunately the three figure number he gives out isn't the 7.62 :rolleyes:


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Ooooh, I like your thinking there :naughty:

Fly-tipping would be a good enough reason for me to endorse vigilantism as a suitable deterrent.

Even if you were allow to wing them, you know as a warning to others.

Actually camouflaged folk jumping out and scaring the be-Jesus out of fly tippers sounds fun, though clearly not something I'd endorse. Remember wandering into a bunch of very well hidden Gurkhas whilst out shooting one night. Usually very good at spotting folks a mile off. Certainly gave me a start.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.