Rarest animal you have seen out

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womble count?

Far from rare. The damned things even sneak into my house sometimes to steal my old newspapers. I caught one once and she insisted that it was for much needed wallpaper. That's fine, but an oddbod with a big W on his hat has been robbing the johnny machine in the local pub for months.
In the UK, a merlin hawk, golden eagle or red kite would probably be my rarest, although slow worms & ring ouzels are getting rare apparently.

As a kid in Bermuda would see humpback whales, and caught a sargasso fish in some sargasso weed washed into a local beach - my mate took it to the Marine Bioology Institute where they kept it. Don't know how rare they are but since they live mostly in drifiting weed beds away from land they'd be a rare sighting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sargassumfish
Don't know about rare but one of the most majestic things i have seen is a rather large Barn Owl on the moors behind betws y coed. Went past it as it was sat on edge of single track road and disturbed it, off it went but then settled again, by time i got my camera out it had gone. Drove the same route last year and seen what i think is the same one flying over at a fairly low level. I have never seen a wild owl before so for me, its the rarest i have seen.
Whats the Rarest animal you have spotted while out on a bushcraft trip?

I had some killer whales come up close to me this year!

I know it rained a lot in the UK this year but you must have some unusually wet woodland :)

Although I haven't actually seen them yet, there are some tell tale signs of European beaver along my stretch of a local river which I'm planning to investigate further ............. I'll post my findings.
Walked up to a sunned drystane dyke in the Cairngorms going fairly quietly on grass and upwind to come withing 3M of what looked like a Scottish wildcat! Same colouring, same fluffy tail and when it saw me it belted off back into the trees. Probably a feral cat as I know they are so rare.
Walked up to a sunned drystane dyke in the Cairngorms going fairly quietly on grass and upwind to come withing 3M of what looked like a Scottish wildcat! Same colouring, same fluffy tail and when it saw me it belted off back into the trees. Probably a feral cat as I know they are so rare.

Good job you wasn't walking around Essex.
Rattlesnake eating a bird (California). Wouldn't get off the trail for me and got very RC with me when I tried to get past. Prolonged loud rattle starts to get quite spooky - by design, I'm sure.

green hairstreak butterfly was a first for me this year they aren't rare (most widespread of the hairstreaks) but its the first time I'd seen them
platypus, tasmanian tiger(endangered because of a kind of mouthcancer) and eastern(?) quoll( a cat-sized marsupial; pinched my cocoapowder when i walked the southcoast track) in tasmania
echidnas on kangaroo island and the australian mainland
orcas while cycling along the coastal road on coromandel peninsula(new zealand)
stewart island tokokea(a subspecies of kiwibirds; also active at daytime)while bushwalking on stewart island(new zealand); one walked just past my backpack, but unfortunately my camera had problems with the focus so i got only one very blurry image to proof my story(AARRRGGGHHH!!!!)

a hedgehog baby sniffing on my boot (while it's mum nearly had an heartattack) and foxbabys in europe

to name only a few

i can add goral antelope [in korea] and asian black bear [japan- not that rare here, but in south korea there*s only a few left in jirisan NP ] to my list....


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