Rarest animal you have seen out

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Never seen anything that exotic, but this slow worm is one of my favourites.

If you are reasonably observant it's no longer necessary to travel to far away places to find a rarity. I saw one in town the other day..Homo Erectus Non Phonus, a female of the species. While others in the herd stood around making that strange mumbling sound, with a hand clamped to the side of their heads, she stood timidly in a corner, eyes rolling, showing signs that she was painfully aware of her non conformity with herd behaviour. When others began poking and stroking the devices they held she obviously paniced and I saw her bolt into a local Phones-R-us to emerge soon after with her hand clamped to her head, happily mingling with the welcoming herd. ;)
Stood on a stingray while in South Africa. In the UK though, probably just a handful of badgers who decided to run alongside my bike while taking a midnight ride through the hills. By their snarls i think it was probably more chasing me than running alongside.
Not strictly a rare creature, but certainly an unusual location. Sailing down the Spanish (Costa Blanca) Mediterranean coast 3 years ago, I spotted this big Whale on a collision course with my boat. Fortunately he dived and went under me, so no harm done.
I didn't expect to see a Whale that close inshore, only ever seen them that close when out in the deep Ocean.

Hm...The rarest animal I have seen out. I´ve probably seen a lot of birds and insects that are rare but, due to my uneducated mind on those areas, I would´t know.

I was once a private chauffeur for a Natrix Natrix. I came upon it just before it was supposed lose it´s head to a paranoid man with a shovel, and brought it with me in the car to be released in a safe area. I don´t see them very often anymore, unfortunately. I often see the Vipera Berus, but not the Natrix Natrix.
Other than a lizard once every 10 years, It would have to be the cheetah I saw on Masai Mara a few years ago:

Resting Cheetah by Lykketrollet, on Flickr
Some of the rarest I've clocked in Scotland are a dolphin outside my house in the centre of Inverness. Whales while flying my kite beside the Cullins. Wallabies down in the borders and a face to face with a pinemartin while at work.

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.
Alberta wolf coyote hybrid, unfortunately didn't see any Grizzley Bears though some fresh urine spooked the horses enough.
Germany pack of wolves near a farm I was staying at.

UK Pod of Orca in the 90s passing Cumbria
Pine martin Cumbria
Escaped Eagle owls 2 in Hampshire 1 in Cumbria (do escaped animals count)

Not so very rare but rare for my area is red grouse keep popping up in my local woods
Seen a kingfisher on Thursday on pontoons near the boat mooring and we had an adder in front of us while walking a footpath
was visiting a friend in Cambridge my daughter all most walked on it there was a young girl bitten by one same weekend
in another part of uk
we were told it is rare to see one we were very lucky as we were treated to seeing two within a hundred yards was a very warm Easter weekend never forget it


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