Any other photographers?


I was just wondering if there was anyone else who does photography as a hobby or as a profession?

I find that photography seems to be appreciated by most. I specialise in pet photography, dogs, equine etc but also do some equine and event work.

Maybe we could use this thread to share our websites/fb business pages - or even if its not photography.. for other people to view?

I've come across alot of interesting things on this forum already and would love to find more!
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Nice one Reddo. Some great snaps there

Im not that good at it myself but my wife has a website. and I know I am biased but she is very talented. Her brother is an amazing photographer (one of his photos is below).

View attachment 11295

Thats a beautiful shot! I've never really been able to get into landscapes ect - probably because I'm no good at it! But that is lovely!
Your wifes work is great also - do you know what camera she uses?


Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
I was just wondering if there was anyone else who does photography as a hobby or as a profession?

I find that photography seems to be appreciated by most. I specialise in pet photography, dogs, equine etc but also do some equine and event work.

Maybe we could use this thread to share our websites/fb business pages - or even if its not photography.. for other people to view?

I've come across alot of interesting things on this forum already and would love to find more!

Could you add a reciprocal link on your website to BCUK please?

Tony said:
8 - Advertising:
Guidelines for Commercial companies, Distributors, craftsmen, retailers, schools and website owners:

Advertising is not permitted on the Bushcraft UK forum, outside the makers market and the commercial sales areas (these areas are governed by their own set of rules and guidelines.)

Overtly commercial language pertaining to products in which you have a vested commercial interest is not acceptable.

Members should not post links to their own commercial ventures, websites or forums.
Links to such websites in signatures are permissible (at the discretion of BCUK admin) as long as this is not abused and a clearly visible reciprocal link to Bushcraft UK is placed on the website to which the link points.

We do like to see genuine resources made available to our members, if you are a new company/website or have a new product/service which you think would be of interest to the membership of Bushcraft UK, please contact the administration via who will (at there discretion) make an announcement on your behalf.

Moderators will use their judgment as necessary to help the forum run smoothly and to avoid any confusion.


Dec 23, 2010
in the woods
I am wildlife photographer, very amateurish and generally horrible. Here are my excuses: I take most of my pics from hand, no tripod, as I no not wait for deer, but actively stalk. Also, I do not take pics of tamed animals or zooparks, so it´s hard to get a decent picture.
I also run couple of phototraps in local woods, it´s addictive hobby.
My blog is in signature, but do not expect much:eek:

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Although not a pro photographer I used all my own photos to illustrate the books I wrote on walking and cycling in West Wales and (mainly)use my own work to illustrate my magazine articles and reviews. I did run a small photo library when everyone used slides ... but now that everyone just wants digital my library is retired!
I used to use EOS cameras - but now I just use a Fuji point and press!


Don't get hung up on the no editing or Photoshop thing.

That would be like Ansel Adams sending his films to Bonusprint and expecting to get a good result.


I really don't understand why it should be an issue for people...


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Whitehaven Cumbria
I am into Landscape

Loweswater sunrise 1 by alf.branch, on Flickr

Loweswater mist 3 by alf.branch, on Flickr

thanks also none of the shots on my site are edited or 'photoshoped':)

Thats not that impressive to me

Don't get hung up on the no editing or Photoshop thing.

That would be like Ansel Adams sending his films to Bonusprint and expecting to get a good result..

I totally agree with this and Ansel Adams is my phot hero


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 13, 2009
I was for a while a professional photographer, but nowadays it is just a hobby, however seeing Wayland's pictures it makes me weep. I wonder what Ansel Adam's would have made of photoshop?


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