Suffolk Bushcraft Group

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Thats OK Rum, we will let you off,

Hope you have a good time wish I could come with you, If next weekend falls thro with The propossed site the I would say go for a Stealth one somewere else, but we can talk about that on Tues, keep the details out of the fourm.


Aug 14, 2010
Ipswich Suffolk UK
Hi Stu

Yep we sure did and we had a excellent night, we were asked to leave the wood this morning, as we were seen by the land owner or game keeper.
He made a valued point that they were deer hunting and shooting with high caliber riffles and a miss could be then end of one of us, so we apologised and left.

Other than that it was a good time out and I will now have to scout round for a new spot.


Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Hi Stu

Yep we sure did and we had a excellent night,


That's good, Shame you got spotted , but better then getting shot. oh well sure a new site can be found,

I been busy this morning, Started to get kit together for next Friday, decided that I need a few more stuff sacks , go dragged the sewing machine out, and looked to see what Rip-stop I had in stock, grabbed hold of some green I had, made about three, then had to use black, got carried away and made loads, lol, then then thought perhaps colour coding would help when they are in the ruck sack, so got some red, blue, and purple out red for fire/tinder box, Purple for Plates/eating iron, blue for wash kit, but now got 6 spare in black, lol, in various sizes, so if anyone's interested @ £3 each with out cord and toggle, I'll bring them on Tuesday.

Also thought a Hammock may be of some use as well, had a dig about and pulled out an old Hang Glider cover that I had kicking about, that got cut up and with a quick stitch up and a couple of lengths of cord a Hevey Duty Hammock was made, just got to sort out suspension for it now :)


Aug 14, 2010
Ipswich Suffolk UK
Hi Stu

Sound like you have been busy today.
As for the other thing I was in the wrong and got court out.

rik thanks for the comment any time I need the obvious pointed out I will give you a call.


Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
After a count up, it looks like tommorow night's meet is at the beagle, be good to meet you all, by the way I got a gottee beard now so may look a bit differnt to my pic, lol.

See you at 8pm.

Bring yourselfs and Ideas...


Aug 14, 2010
Ipswich Suffolk UK
Hi Stu

It will be good to meeting all you folks tomorrow and seeing what we can come up with as collective.
I have a grayish beard silver framed glasses and will be wearing a Paramo jacket black.



Hi everyone.

Bad news. The woodland I used to use was sold and whilst the old owner was nice the new owner is far from. He's some solicitor, who lives in Bently. He doesn't allow anyone on the land. If a dog walker strays from the paths, he chases them out. There is another part owned by Bluegate Farm which I will try asking tomorrow but as it stands, Old Hall Woods is a no go for now.

I had asked couple farmers who do business with my family.
One said there forest is overgrown and boggy so said it probably wouldn't be safe for us.

The other farmer didn't have any woodland on his farm but said he would ask people he knew(other farmers) but think that's been unsuccessful unfortunately.

Now, my brother lives on farm land. No forest but neighbouring farmers might have small woodlands, long as shooting season over, we might be allowed, only problem that's in framlingham. Don't know if that's too far for people.

Have got permission to camp and do anything in another forest but that's quite far, out in Cambridge.

Sorry for only posting all this bit late but been ill over the weekend.

So, don't know what people wanna do? I'm going Friday regardless of permission or not as I've booked it off to go, so nothing going to stop me.


Aug 14, 2010
Ipswich Suffolk UK
Hi All

What about Sizewell area, a friend said he has camped on the beech there and there is a wood near the beech, does anyone know that area at all?
Or Ben what about going to Cambridge, I am up for it, if we take lest amount of car's possible and chip in for petrol? Just something for people to think about.

See you at the Pub.


Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
that's not good news, but Framlingham is still in Suffolk, and only s few miles away really, I still want to go out somewhere Friday night we can chat about it tomoz night.

I will ask the farmer when I next see him were I got the workshop , but not been up there for week, Once we have got together we can then start to act as a group, and hopefully work together to sort a regular site for our use, it may even be that we have to offer a camp site fee, each time we use it...... better the getting chased off and it may lead to things like clay ovens being built ect.


Nov 26, 2003
I've been off for a week and got my shifts wrong so I am working late today. But I should be there by 21:30 and before if I can get away earlier.
Tall, overweight, 50 something, grey beard.

Nick P


Full Member
Mar 15, 2009
Just got home to find both kids being sick and the wife looking green..... If I can I will slip out and meet up but it's not looking good people. It's all about timing.....

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
For those that have got phone internet. I am in bar. In corner seat faacing bar. Grey gottee. Shaved head grey hoddee


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.