I was watching Nick Clegg on news24 the other day and he was bashing a lot of silly laws that have come into force: It is illegal to set off a nuclear explosion was one I recall, but the one that caught my attention was that it is illegal to sell a Grey Squirrel.
There's a farm shop near me that sells rabbits popped on their land and I wondered about asking if they could get squirrel in. If they could get them I guess I'd have to see if they would give me one free if I buy a rabbit or something..is this because they are considered vermin? Do they have some potential virus? It seems silly if they are a pest
There's a farm shop near me that sells rabbits popped on their land and I wondered about asking if they could get squirrel in. If they could get them I guess I'd have to see if they would give me one free if I buy a rabbit or something..is this because they are considered vermin? Do they have some potential virus? It seems silly if they are a pest