Wool Bush Shirt ...

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I'm sold :rolleyes: and bow to your experience.
Let's hope we can obtain one of the Dutch army ones.

Aye, fingers crossed for the Dutchies!

It was a good weight Chad but as I said it didn't feel the same as the Dutch blankets.

However, as I said what I saw was a display version and it may have been made out of a different blanket. I'm sure Kev will be following this thread and when it comes to the actual manufacturing he'll be in touch with everyone to explain exactly what's happening with regards materials etc.

One thing I know for sure is you won't be dissapointed with what you get :)

Sounds good Steve, time will tell what's going on. I've been patient so far, I can wait longer if need be!
Yep - Kev dropped us a line. At last there is some movement on this. Its great to have Arktis involvement as the quality of stitchwork and finish should be good - they are literally just down the road from Kev. The dutch wool blankets they are made from are cruiser weight and should keep out some serious chill and are much thicker than anything commercial I hav some across. I think Kev wants an orderly queue so he can get them produced in one batch. When the blankets have gone...then they've gone.
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I just spoke to Kev. Summary:

- Kev's going to be doing these at cost price. We agreed that I wouldn't post the ballpark figure, but I think it is very attractive in outright terms and particularly given there's really nothing like this on the market. :)
- He's got a commitment from Arktis to do 5 batches of 10 shirts.
- The Dutch blankets he has selected are "type 3" (or was it mark 3?) which is a nice soft wool about 2.5-2.75kg per blanket.
- The "type 5" blanket (not as soft, but denser wool - 3kg per blanket) will *probably* be available as an option.
- The basic shirt will be made locally in the Arktis factory, three miles from Endicotts. Definitely not "Made in China" or Eastern Europe. Kev expects the quality to be very good.
- Additional customization will be available and done at Endicotts.
- I think he's going to want to make up another list of 50.
- I'm stakin' my claim to be on the list(!), but given a few people already have theirs, I imagine that everyone on the original list will be okay, particularly as there is bound to be drop-out from the original list.
- First batch should be done in the first week of October!
At the risk of being presumptuous, I'm going to start a reserve list, to be taken after anybody on the original list (should they wish to continue).

I believe I've captured all requests to be put on the list in the order they were made.

51: jimjolli
52: VirusKiller
53: dave53
54: mrcairney
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Glad to hear i am going to get my shirt - finally, i got a call last october/november from kev asking for my sizes and telling me i should have it in a matter of weeks, a year has gone by and to tell you the truth, i had kind of given up all hope of this happening.

Best be that i get my shirt first or at least before Tom hehehe..in all seriousness looking forward to this before the Scottish winter kicks in......
At the risk of being presumptuous, I'm going to start a reserve list, to be taken after anybody on the original list (should they wish to continue).

I believe I've captured all requests to be put on the list in the order they were made.

51: jimjolli
52: VirusKiller
53: dave53
54: mrcairney

55 DUCky

Would like to get in line for this!
51: jimjolli
52: VirusKiller
53: dave53
54: mrcairney
55: DUCky
56: luckylee.
if i could get one of these that would be great
Very excited to see this moving forward. I've been following this thread from the start :). looking forward to hearing from Endicotts on this.

To avoid confusion, I'm on the list as kpmoloney at 23. I had my forum handle changed to match my handle on bushcraftusa.
Full update from Yesterday Evening......


#5 Bottom line. Cost. At this point in time I'm not able to quantify this as there are still several unknown factors. I would, however, antisipate that after I have paid Tim for his time / factory time and Materials etc. etc. all of ENDY's work will be done on a 'cost price' basis. So long as I can cover the Blanket and some basic 'on' costs my end I'm happy doing this for the minimum amount.

Approximate cost of the ''finished'' product: £75.00.
Nice to have some good news on here, happy days! I've just read all the updates, I still have one burning question Kev;

Will you be getting measurements off us for these as per the original batch or is it going to be more of a small, medium or large type of production run?

Actually two questions for you;

If you have all 7 grades any chance of a thicker grade if requested until they run out? I'd love one to be made from the same blanket I have on my bed, it's lush!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.