All looking very tidy

- certainly compared to my wild patch. Doesn't look like we are due any rain for the next week though.
I've been working in the wood all day today - clearing the brash from the coppicing and cutting up the main timber to stack for drying out. I'll post some pictures when I've got it all a bit tidier tomorrow
Unfortunately I found a tree down across one of the fences in an area I haven't been down to for a few weeks so tomorrows' first task is to clear that and repair the fence. It's not my fence but the tree that came down was mine so it's up to me to fix it.
I started the day by winching some potential bow staves I'd cut late last year up onto the track. There are a few tools I've acquired recently that make all these jobs on my own possible that I'm really growing to appreciate and the capstan winch is one.
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Quite a large but decaying tree has come down as well. It's always a shame when a tree that provides such a good environment for wildlife falls but it will carry on doing good work on the wood floor

. The ivy stem shown in the second photo is at least 130mm (5") thick!
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