Not sure if this is of interest but he's a woodland project I've been working on. Due to questionable drainage from a local farm I have had a long standing issue with runoff causing the path to be constantly waterlogged with sewage rather than just rainwater. After proving to the National Trust that the water springs from selected parts of the area rather than all running off I was allowed to install two culverts to manage the runoff and rebuild the washed out footpath.
Over the last winter the path quadrupled in size where people had tried to avoid the mud, the worst part is that others added old branches to step over but this caused the runoff to backup and made the problem worse.

The one advantage with managing the woods it that I have access to everything I need except the six inch nails I needed.
First step was a proof of concept to demonstrate my knowledge of the problem and to show the main spring points.

The only problem I had was collecting the oak from the other end of the site, throwing it in the van to drive back and lug it all on a trolley to the site I'm working at.
The donor oak ready for planking.

Back to the first culvert, moving oak logs to the site and cutting a recess so the planks lie level to reduce trip hazards etc.
The top log was to aid the water channel.

Now for the second culvert at the other side of this section

And the finished product, still need to re-level the path by moving the washed out mud back up the path.

Over the last winter the path quadrupled in size where people had tried to avoid the mud, the worst part is that others added old branches to step over but this caused the runoff to backup and made the problem worse.

The one advantage with managing the woods it that I have access to everything I need except the six inch nails I needed.
First step was a proof of concept to demonstrate my knowledge of the problem and to show the main spring points.

The only problem I had was collecting the oak from the other end of the site, throwing it in the van to drive back and lug it all on a trolley to the site I'm working at.
The donor oak ready for planking.

Back to the first culvert, moving oak logs to the site and cutting a recess so the planks lie level to reduce trip hazards etc.
The top log was to aid the water channel.

Now for the second culvert at the other side of this section

And the finished product, still need to re-level the path by moving the washed out mud back up the path.