

Jul 18, 2007
Ok so i have a problem writing this as i am a true sceptic myself.
Last night i went for an over-nighter in the forest up here in aberdeenshire and i had just set up hammock and finished putting up tarp when something caught my attention out the corner of my eye and when i looked to see what it was i can only describe it as a large dark coloured cat/dog. Now i'm not saying "it's a panther it's a lynx" etc.. but it definetely wasn't a deer or a fox or a domestic cat. It was dark coloured and the size of say maybe a labrador. It didn't hang about and neither did i as i quickly took my bag and legged it back to my vespa and went home only to return today to gather the rest of my stuff.
I know i'm a wimp for leggin it but even if it was only a dog i sure as hell wasn't spending the night in that forest with a wild dog. It would've have to been a wild one as there was nobody there at the same time as me. I was quite far into the woods and miles from any paths. Just thought i'd tell you's all, feel free to extract the urine out of me for legging it as i've been getting it all day anyway.
I wont be camping in those woods again on my own.


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
lol that will be the old "fight or flight" response and i also prefer the later.... Im too am a lover not a fighter :p

When you went back did you manage to get a look at the tracks ? If not and by some miracle it hasnt rained heavily you may still get a look and if so take some pics with some sort of scale in place and im sure one of the tracking experts here will be able to shed a little light on them for you.


Jul 18, 2007
I actually did have a look for tracks but the ground was so wet that i couldnt see anything plus i was still pooping it but i am planning on going back this weekend with my friend and his dog(protection) and my tracking and signs book.
There is so many sightings in this area that it could've been something but then on the other hand maybe it was just a large dog type cat and had mated with local foxes to produce a deer like bird that likes to frighten people camping. That clears that up then.


Feb 22, 2007
East Lothian
I'm with gregorach, a large wildcat with its hair bristling could easily be that size. If that's what it was then count yourself lucky to see one in the wild. Don't feel ashamed for running they can be scary beasts and will mock charge humans, or even attack if the percieved threat doesn't back off.


Jul 18, 2007
Nah it's definetely not a wildcat, i know they're rare and hard to see but i'm in Aberdeenshire and as far as i know theres not a population of wildcats here. I saw a wildcat years ago when up North and it it looked just like a domestic tabby only bulkier and with a goatee. It's pretty sad when there is more sightings of ufos and bigcats in britain than there is of something as natural and as magic as proper scottish wildcat.
One day the only wildlife that will be left is midges and wasps.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2004
Well, discretion is the better part of valour! Seriously, no one can judge. Its how you felt that counts.

Around the cottage ( Moray ) there is a moggy. Given there most of time and frequently out dawn/ dusk for stalking etc, I have only seen it three times in ten years. The first time a friend was with me. He debated whether to go for his .22 in the corner or camera in the car. I pointed out the .22 would just annoy it and pushed him out the door!

The pictures are a bit blurred - mainly because he took them one handed from the boot of my car - the other hand was on the lid ready to slam it shut if the cat came his way.

I stood in the same spot as one of the pictures with my beloved retriever/collie Marley ( gosh I miss him still ). Comparing pictures showed the cat to be just over one third the size of a fairly big retriever.

This one too was not a wildcat per se, but I feel a cross. Not bothered at publicising pictures etc, but when Dougster visits, he can verify - before the Sloe Gin!

Subsequently found out that a local farmer had caught ' the ugliest looking, meanest cat you ever did see' in a live cage trap. After losing two broom handles, he picked the cage up with iron bars - still got teeth marks - and released it far out in the forestry. Turns out that was about a mile past us.

I still think the meanest, most vicious creatures in the woods all come on two legs...


Jul 18, 2007
I've spoken to a few gamekeepers in the past and they've said they've seen big cats and most on regular occurences but i remember a guy in Banchory once saying a farmer nearby had shot and killed one then buried it on his land. Once again it's all just talk and no actual proof so until then i'll be a sceptic. Even though i saw something i don't know what it was and i'm by no means an expert on big cats so couldnt say either way. All i know is i'll be more careful when i'm on my own again. I'd be like a twiglet though so nothing would want to eat me.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2004
Death in the Long Grass by Peter Hathaway Capstick is definately not to be recommended bed time reading for you then!:eek:


Jul 18, 2007
I don't even read harry potter incase i get scared so i best just stick to my childrens books.
Arrrgghhhh Dr Dolittle speaks to animals!!! Nightmares for me scary goat speaking man.
Animals can't say no.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2004
Harrow, Middlesex
This is the british isles... the most danger you're going to encounter is a bunch of hoodies.

I've been spooked before but then the logic creeps in... There really is nothing in the UK that's going to "get ya".


Jul 18, 2007
Pixies? they can get into my hammock, they'll get swatted like the flies though. Last time i went camping alone i got woken by foxes making their usual din and barking, i knew it was only foxes and there was nothing they could do but i still got right down into my sleeping bag. Daylight came and boy was i relieved. But then the gtrasshoppers were out and i was off eeeeekkk.


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