where I will be working for the next few weeks

robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
Yesterday I was working in a rather nice wood. I have a commission to replace an old rotten bridge and felled two oaks for the job. Both had damaged tops with significant die back and will let light in for natural regeneration.

The wood has the largest population in Derbyshire of pied flycatcher and very nice ground flora. I am planning spreading the work over 3-4 weeks so I can enjoy being up there and getting to know the wood a bit.





Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
With a bank holiday weekend upon us, I am sorely tempted to come down to your neck of the woods, so to speak, and have a gander about. I stayed in Buxton a few years back and it was lovely country, and not far from you. I might drag the rugrats along if I get the chance! Good to see you making another bridge too, can't wait to see the finished article.


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 24, 2007
Peak District
It's heaving with folk around here this weekend. I think every camp site and B&B in the valley is full. Far too busy for us to be able to enjoy it out there so we're spending the weekend in the village hall teaching spoon carving.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Whitehaven Cumbria
I feel sorry for you having to work in such an awful spot:nana:

Sorry got confused there I am at work now and this not a nice spot:(


Aug 28, 2005
East Cheshire
I had planned to go to camping in Edale this weekend but decided against it. Instead I parked up in Castleton at 6:00pm and walked from Mam Tor to Losehill and didnt pass a soul. Lovely.

I didnt get chance to see the bridge in Golden Clough though, but I can save that for another time.


Need to contact Admin...
Nov 24, 2007
Peak District
Heard about this on the radio today and it made me think about the one you're building.
That's a really interesting article, thanks for the link. The ones Robin has replaced have not been in any way special and it's been rather encouraging that the Peak District National Park authority have wanted to pay the extra for Robin's work rather than replacing them with with something boring.

Mind you, I remember years ago having an unpleasant incident with a bridge like the one pictured. I'm pretty phobic about water and I got a short way onto the bridge and got in a panic, not helped by my old lurcher who was crying behind me because he too didn't want to walk across the log. Robin came back for me and walked slowly in front of me so I could focus on the back of his head as I walked and I managed to cross. He thought he was going to have to go back and carry the lurcher, but thankfully the old boy had got the message and had followed behind me, presumably focussing on me as I was focussing on Robin. They say dogs take after their owners :rolleyes:

robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
Hi Robin
looks like quite a nice office you're working in.

Heard about this on the radio today and it made me think about the one you're building.

Do you ever get similar problems?

What an interesting link thanks for that. That is exactly the sort of thing I am trying to get away from in my countryside work. It seems so much stuff put in the countryside is suburban in character, designed for somewhere else and inappropriate. Just like putting those comemprative park benches in wild places.
Now if they had put a really nice bridge in as a replacement it would have lasted many years more than the simple log bridge, met all the current safety regs and been attractive and in keeping with the environment.
I did this one recently http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-jH-e2nD3WQ and it was apparently the first project anyone at the National Park could remember that received only praise and not a single complaint.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
How I agree - away with universal blandness! Bring back "local" styles!
When I visit a new area I do not want to see the same stuff I have at home!
I have seen enough of "globalisation"! with Starbucks/Tescos/McD in every city from London to Bankok...lets have a bit of variation.
I love your bridge in Golden Clough - keep up the good work!
I used to do a lot of outdoor persuits instruction and recreational walking in the Edale/Hope/Castleton area and your work will enhance the feel of the area not render it too similar to other parts of the countryside.

robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
I had planned to go to camping in Edale this weekend but decided against it. Instead I parked up in Castleton at 6:00pm and walked from Mam Tor to Losehill and didnt pass a soul. Lovely.

I didnt get chance to see the bridge in Golden Clough though, but I can save that for another time.

Best time of day to be up there, I like going up the hill after 6 when everyone else has come down, even on a busy weekend you have the place to yourself.

I just looked at the youtube of your Golden Clough bridge, no complaints, really? Could that be because it's a @%&^ing work of art, :notworthy

Thanks for that, it's interesting though I don't consider it art, in fact I am quite anti "art in the countryside" although there is a lot more money available if I chose to do sculpture in the countryside, very popular at the moment. If you look at old landscape paintings painters often included a gate, style, bridge or bit of fencing in the foreground, always beautifully made from local materials using the natural curves in the wood. Can you imagine a painter today including a tanalised softwood fence in their painting? Old farm waggons, wooden boats, they were wonderful and are my sources of inspiration.

It is a brilliant YouTube video - seriously, what an inspiring piece of work!



Cheers Mungo glad you enjoyed, the Video is Nicola's work (Dr Spoon on here)

robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
I have been busy on other projects but had another day on the bridge this week few more pics. It is always slow work to start when the timber is big but once you have broken it down to smaller pieces things move more quickly. This bridge is going to be a different design to my Golden Clough bridge, more like the one it is replacing with two main bearers and planks fixed across. We have milled all the planks and uprights and these photos are me slabbing the main timbers up and a couple of 2" slabs to make the handrails. I want to get 2 main timbers out at about 10" deep by 4" wide.

It would have been much easier if we could have felled a tree in a spot where it lay on the ground but this tree had been wind damaged and had its top blown out so it was the obvious choice, not easy working on it over the stream and it will not be easy moving the timbers once we separate them. Its important to use veg oil as the chain lubricant when working near water. I have used sunflower oil as chain lube for 15 years, cheaper than the comercially available veg oils and works perfectly.




My mate Andy having a break...not a bad lunch spot.



Need to contact Admin...
Nov 24, 2007
Peak District
Inspirational stuff. I would love to see a full blown documentary of you building a bridge, highlighting the skills and craftsmanship you use to make it. The Youtube video has just whetted my appitite. Fantastic.
I have around three hours worth of video shot during the project and culling it to 3 minutes for youTube was quite a job! As an outstanding project I've promised the Information Centre over the road here that I'll make it into a 15-20 minute film they can run on a loop for visitors, but haven't actually got around to it yet. I wonder when I'll next have some 'spare' time ... :(

Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)
Looking forward to seeing the bridge in its finished state :)

I got myself one of those mills a while ago, they do make planking a lot easier (and neater) than trying to do it freehand. Planking oak doesn't half eat fuel though! I've got to make a couple of bridges in my woods this summer, but they won't be on quite the same scale thankfully


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.