Where cani learn about knives.

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 2, 2003
Hamilton NZ

I predict a thread lock....


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I'm fairly certain the op is genuine, I would say that he's been reading too much on here and is unnecessarily worried by the little idiosyncrasies that we display on here. It can be quite daunting for someone to read a discussion on, say for arguments sake, the benefits of 3.6mm paracord over 3.7mm or if putting a button on your day pack in a certain position is better than a different button in a different place (you get the gist). Some people know that it doesn't matter a jot, others don't and may get confused. Has nobody considered that the chap might have a faint touch of aspergers (a lot of people do) rather than troll-like tendencies?

errrr yes it crossed my mind too.
Please multi if you have a been diagnosed with something it would helpful if you said, as other posters can then adjust their behaviour around yours.


Jul 16, 2012
errrr yes it crossed my mind too.
Please multi if you have a been diagnosed with something it would helpful if you said, as other posters can then adjust their behaviour around yours.

But why would they wind someone up in the first place.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
But why would they wind someone up in the first place.

People here are normally quite patient with questions from those that want to learn. If you feel you are having people trying to wind you up it is because of your behaviour. what happens in your threads doesnt happen in other peoples threads, becuse the way you answer people that try to help you is differant to the way it is accepted that posts are politely answered.


Jul 16, 2012
People here are normally quite patient with questions from those that want to learn. If you feel you are having people trying to wind you up it is because of your behaviour. what happens in your threads doesnt happen in other peoples threads, becuse the way you answer people that try to help you is differant to the way it is accepted that posts are politely answered.

But my behavour was in response to theirs? I still cant see how *im* the problem..


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 24, 2011
I don't believe you should have to inform the forum if you do or do not suffer from any disabilities/conditions, but if YOU feel expressing personal details then go ahead, it may help others ease up.

A bit more patience and understanding can go a long way, so if any other contributions are made can we all bare that in mind.

If you got yourself an affordable knife and tried it out on various tasks, maybe you could decide if there things you do or don't like about the knife. That way you'll learn what you like and want in a knife. Something that's important if you did go on a long trek alone.

I hope you find the answers that help! :)


Oct 24, 2006
Multi you asked who the person was that only had 13 posts well that is me.I have been practising Bushcraft for nearly 60 years,my posts are few because unlike you I do not like wasting peoles time.

You are doing the same on this thread as your other one getting people totally ****** off with your attitude.The nurses in the institute where you live have to suffer your personality I do not


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
Knife types and knife steels are pretty much a personal thing. They all have various strenths and weaknesses and dependant on who you ask you will get a different answer.
There is no real book that will tell you what the "best" knife, stove is, because it simply doesnt exist, if it did there would only be one of each :) It is experience along side preference more than anything else.

People are getting their backs up for a few reasons,
The first is the sort of outdoor warrior attitude you put across with knife strapped to your leg, avoiding the "CIA" etc etc whilst at the same time probably breaking a few laws tresspassing and poaching to name a few. Whilst this probably isnt the case it is off putting. Remember also that BUCK and its members offer this information for free and give up their own precious time to help you out so a little humility wouldnt go a miss or even a simply thanks.
Second, the way you seem to seek advice is an agresssive one. You seem to demand complete answers rather than accepting help from members that are trying to point you to the right direction to find the information for your self. You can only tell you whats good for YOU and thats done with reading and trying things for your self.

Imagine if we as a cummunity said yeah go camp where you want, take an arsenal of weapons, fish and hunt where you like and you get collared doing such? You then say well all these foks on BUCK said it was fine to do what i did?

I think this is a case of not potraying your self accurately on the net. A lot can be "lost in translation" online if you are not careful.
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Jul 16, 2012
Knife types and knife steels are pretty much a personal thing. They all have various strenths and weaknesses and dependant on who you ask you will get a different answer.
There is no real book that will tell you what the "best" knife, stove is, because it simply doesnt exist, if it did there would only be one of each :) It is experience along side preference more than anything else.

People are getting their backs up for a few reasons,
The first is the sort of outdoor warrior attitude you put across with knife strapped to your leg, avoiding the "CIA" etc etc whilst at the same time probably breaking a few laws tresspassing and poaching to name a few. Whilst this probably isnt the case it is off putting. Remember also that BUCK and its members offer this information for free and give up their own precious time to help you out so a little humility wouldnt go a miss or even a simply thanks.
Second, the way you seem to seek advice is an agresssive one. You seem to demand complete answers rather than accepting help from members that are trying to point you to the right place to find the information for your self. You can only tell you whats good for YOU and thats done with reading and trying things for your self.

Imagine if we as a cummunity said yeah go camp where you want, take an arsenal of weapons, fish and hunt where you like and you get collared doing such? You then say well all these foks on BUCK said it was fine to do what i did?

I think this is a case of not potraying your self accurately on the net. A lot can be "lost in translation" online if you are not careful.

The situation with strapping the knife to my leg was in a being mugged situation I will still have a concealed blade the mugger did not know about. As stated in the thread.
Also ive not stated once that im poaching. All the problems is everyone else jumping to conclusions.


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
The situation with strapping the knife to my leg was in a being mugged situation I will still have a concealed blade the mugger did not know about. As stated in the thread.

Ok, to make you aware you have just stated on a public forum that you are carrying a concealed weapon to be used for self defence. This will get you a nice long stay at her magesties pleasure. If you state that you are carrying anything for "self defence" other than razor sharp whit you are falling foul of the law.
This is what i am talking about mate.


Jul 16, 2012
Ok, to make you aware you have just stated on a public forum that you are carrying a concealed weapon for use as self defence. This will get you a nice long stay at her magesties pleasure. If you state that you are carrying anything for "self defence" other than razor sharp whit you are falling foul of the law.
This is what i am talking about mate.

No, I will have a blade for a means of survival.
See, you are making things up also.
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