Leave my wife,...... Finish at least one oil painting,...... participate in an orgy......, walk a few long distance paths, wild camping as I go, ......commit suicide,..........................................but not nessasaryly in that order.
If I achieve at least one of these things, I'll die a happy man.
last year was a washout camping wise because the GF was more of an indoor/high heels/lets get ****** and have wild sex kinda person
Get my home made knife finished
Make a hobo fishing doodad
Do more camping - last year was a washout camping wise because the GF was more of an indoor/high heels/lets get ****** and have wild sex kinda person - current GF is more outdoorsy
Grow more food
Finally kill those geese and put them in the freezer
Toy with the idea of converting my Ford Fiesta Courier van into a min camper
Go fishing more
Eat more snails
Couldn't give us your previous girl friends number could you.?...........................
I could but mate you would not thank me. She was too much of a 'look at me, aren't I pretty' type of woman. But what a wild time - it was like that song by The Eages 'Life in the fast lane'
1. Be brave, throw in my job, find a life that's less damaging, its the leap that's hard
2. get my forest school leader award and get some children or damaged adults or both, out in the woods and enjoying themselves
Can I combine the two and keep a roof over my head, that's the question.