Whats going on here....


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 29, 2003
I bet that hes not called Jason either.

The more I look at this, the more I think its a ploy for driving revenue somewhere else - the linked bits in one of the blog posts goes off to a knife sharpener. Bet its to drive sales towards that or for advert revenue.


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
It's a nightmare mate. I've had someone make aggressive moves to take over Devalbushcrafter.co.uk when the renewal period came up. Why would they do that? It baffles me and worries me at the same time.


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
I can accept that... but in every section of the privacy policy.... it has reference to Mark Hill Knives...(not custom knives). which is my current site.... I've read it and i'm not sure how to take it.... is it protecting my site... or threatening it?

If you no longer own the domain anyone can buy it and do what they want with it
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Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
I dont think this site is out to hurt me.. But at the same time...... it aint me, and my current site is referenced a lot.....

It's a nightmare mate. I've had someone make aggressive moves to take over Devalbushcrafter.co.uk when the renewal period came up. Why would they do that? It baffles me and worries me at the same time.


Jul 8, 2014
West Wales
That is really cheeky and a little odd, not sure what that's about and hope you get it sorted.

I know one thing though if I was going to try and do anything like that it wouldn't be with someone who makes knives!


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005

I don't think you'll get much joy from WordPress. WordPress is merely the supplier of website/blog building software.

The UK Agency for domain administration is Nominet:


They will be able to help you.


Still worth a try though, as a hosting company they have a complaints procedure for spam/adult content, so it would appear they take things some issues seriously, cant hurt for Mark to fire them off an email outlining his grievance and the possible fraudulent nature of the site/blog they are hosting, the worst they can say is "No".


Full Member
Mar 31, 2014
Hungerford, Berkshire
Hi Mark,

It's been a few years since I advised professionally in such things and laws may have moved on, but essentially nitrambur is correct in that ownership of a domain expires after a certain period of inactivity and can then be registered and used by someone else. This regulation was introduced to prevent individuals or companies buying domain names such as www.cocacola.com and sitting on it (with no intention to actually use it) so that they can then attempt to charge the company using that brand money for relinquishing the domain.

However, there are also regulations to protect against a company or individual using a domain and clearly passing themselves off as someone else, which is possibly the case here. You would need to prove that you trade as Mark Hill knives (obviously) and that the domain user can't reasonably be deemed to have a claim to the brand, e.g. they aren't called Mark Hill and there is no history of him trading under this name, etc.

But, speak to Nominet as they are the experts.

Kind regards,


Full Member
Feb 8, 2010
it's a very expensive mistake to make letting a domain like this lapse. In future, keep the domain and redirect it - a .com can be kept for about £6-7 a year, just redirect it to the new address.

As it's a US address, you'll need to go through http://www.internic.net/ not nominet, but I don't think you'll get much of a case. In the UK, you might be able to retake ownership, but I'm fairly sure in this case you'll find it very difficult.

I would begin the long laborious process of writing to the review companies informing them of the situation and asking kindly that they change the domain name to the new one. I'd also take the time to explain the situation on the new site, google will index it and it'll slowly start to resolve itself. What you need to do is get above the search engine results.

It may even be worth writing to google on the subject and they may remove the site from listings. Similarly look into web ring of trust etc and review the site on there explaining what has happened clearly stating your case.

This is not copyright infringement, it is trademark infringement. You can retrospectively register your mark as a trademark (the essence of a trademark is something that identifies you in the publics mind) and then get him to cease and desist. If they refuse at that point, you can go down the legal route.

Chances are though he's got a lot of domains he buys up and just redirects them to an existing blog using a mirror system to push more traffic to his site for advertising. I can't view it at work, it's blocked by the proxy.


Jul 24, 2014
Web addresses can be snapped up in seconds if you don't have it set to autorenew. I know from experience when I ran a gaming group I didn't set it to autorenew, I ended up having to buy another web domain name and transferring everything over.

As for him using your name, you can contact the hosts of the website and go from there, they are usually good with this sort of thing and get it squared away.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 25, 2011
North Yorkshire, UK
You now trade as Mark Hill Knives, correct?

If you do, then the person running this website is committing fraud. Look at the 'privacy policy' page: http://www.markhill-customknives.com/privacy-policy/

It very explicitly uses the name MarkHill Knives, but gives the location as South Carolina.

I think we should all use the 'get in touch' page and politely ask him why he is using the MarkHill name.

I sent this:

Hi Jason. I was looking for Mark Hill knives, a knifemaker in the UK and ended up on your website. From your 'about' page you are obviously a knifemaker yourself but I 'm a bit confused over the website name and the Privacy Policy page, because they don't match your name.
Are you intending to trade as Mark Hill Custom Knives? Why not use your own name - and can you put some pictures up of your work, it's always great to see some custom work.
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Jul 12, 2012
Mark, the domain names that get expired are often bot registered then sold back to the owner at a massive cost (there is a whole grey market industry relating to this) the first port of call should be to contact enom and file a dispute point them to here https://web.archive.org/web/20121114013712/http://markhill-customknives.com/ that's the November 2012 snapshot of your domain. (And here is a list of all the snapshots), also if you used a web design company get them on standby to verify they dealt with you and not the other guy (it add's weight if they are registered as a sole trader or ltd company rather than cousin Bob who is good with computers) but don't hold your hopes up of getting the domain back it's hard and some times takes months.

What I would do in the mean time is find a domain you DO like something like MHcustoms.com /.uk /.net etc and use that but register it for a long period of time with a email address you use regularly. And if you really want to be sure use your own address like mark@yournewdomain.com the one you use for business and white list the registra emails so they end up in your inbox.

If I can offer any help or advice please let me know, I hate this kind of crap I really. do.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
He is a chancer. Be his "mate". Find out what you can about the human being behind the site.

He aint selling anything yet. You may need to rewrite your site if he does. Dont worry it means you are getting noticed. If pople want your knives they will find you. Maybe say more about yorkshire on your website, then everyone knws you are uk / ekythump-Land knife maker.

Pm scouse monster he sounds like he knows his stuff and his knowlegde could protect uou in the future.
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Aug 2, 2014
Looks like he's picked this up as an expiring domain and has thrown this site up to generate traffic. Various reasons he could do this - prob affiliate income but could be cookie stuffing.

Had something similar happen to me once so happy of help out if I can. First step would be to register with icann that you've got a potential squatter.

On the brand stuff, even tho it's just your name, name + this niche + the fact that it isn't his name should be enough to claim it back.



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